Biogas production (biofuels)


A Levels biology unit 3 Mapa Mental sobre Biogas production (biofuels), creado por dpatel383 el 12/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por dpatel383, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por dpatel383 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Biogas production (biofuels)
  1. biogas generator underground---- waste materials like food,plants animal and human waste can be put in to create slurry
    1. anaerobic conditions to produce certain bacteria (anaerobic fermentation)
      1. warmth (30 degrees) so its underground for insulation so bacteria can work at optimum condtitions
      2. can be used as fertiser
      3. biogas----methane,carbon dioxide and water vapour
        1. Food production
          1. animals and plants
            1. factory farming ----restrict movement and heat the environment so more growth
              1. pros include faster growth...cheaper...more food..... cons include spread of disease and cruelty due to poor conditions
                1. accomidation cheap and secure from predators....environmental conditions controlled eg light and temp....
                  1. expensive antibiotics for diseases spread in crowded conditions...behaviour of animals can result in dead or injured animals...burning fossil fuels for electricity for light and heaters
                2. organic/free range means less crulety and natural condition sto grow but more food more expense and longer to grow
                3. fish farming-----net size (smaller)....quotas(certain number you can catch......avoiding fishing during mating season...avoiding breeding grounds and mesh size
                  1. mycoprotien (fungus) high in protien and low in fat (meat substitute)
                    1. fusarium grown in aerobic conditions
                      1. fungus grows in fermenter on glucose syrup in aerobic conditions
                        1. the biomass is harvested and purified to produce mycoprotien
                    2. more efficient to produce food from plants as plants are at beginning of food chain
                      1. producing food more efficent by reducing number of stages in food chain and restricting energy lost by livestock
                        1. consumers consious of ethical environmental and ecomic implications on producing food
                      2. food miles
                        1. distance that food travels from where itrs grown to where its bought
                          1. concenerning towards environment from burning fossil fuels for transporting food and burning fuels increase amount of co2 in atmosphere
                            1. reduce by buying products britain and locally /farmers markets means less travel and less affect on global warming
                              1. cons mean weather makes less availability in winter and greenhouses mean light and heat produce co2
                      3. microorganisms can be used to produce fuels (biofuels) from natural products by a form of anaerobic respiration known as fermentation (no oxygen for this to happen)
                        1. large scale biogas generators are often located near sewage works or sugar factories where waste can be easily transported .. cuts down on costs
                          1. smaller biogas generators can supply energy needs of individual families or farms .. waste usually collected from kitchens and livestock and is then digested by bacteria to produce biogas
                            1. these generators usually make enough gas for a small village or family..gas used for cooking stoves heating and lighting homes
                            2. producing biogas depends on
                              1. temp of generator
                                1. rate of fermentation
                                  1. type of waste used
                                  2. several designs for generators but all require
                                    1. way of putting in waste materials
                                      1. way of removing digested waste materials
                                        1. way of removing biogas and transporting it to where its needed
                                        2. bioethanol of a fuel
                                          1. advantages----- carbon neutral...fairly simple to produce using anaerobic respiration...renewable....burning ethanol produces less air pollutioin than burning petrol
                                            1. disadvanages------industrially so not carbon neutral....using crops like sugar cane ,maize and wheat puts pressure on food prices which means less land to grow food to supply growing global population
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