Placebo in Latin- means 'to
please' which prepares us
for the biased advice he
gives to , which in its nature
is less advice and more
That ynow ne liketh, for youre
heighe prudence / To weyven
fro the word of Salomon’
He is only asking for advice
because that is what king
Solomon said to do- So
placebo is not only flattering
his ability but attributing him
a piety which is hyperbolic.
-Despite Solomon saying
‘Wirke alle thing by conseil’
Placebo thinks youre owene
counseil is the beste
EssentIALLly he is saying it is
okay to disagree with
Solomon- known for his
wiseness- feeding Januarie’s
So heigh sentence, so
holily.. Ne in
Itaille..Crist halt him of
this couseil ful wel
Hyperbollic phrasing- and
comparing o crisst’ Implies how
foolish January is to accept
this- it clearly is not sincere
and sounds very generic- and
does not apply to the man who
we know gets cuckolded.
‘heigh corage…. Young wif
Making him seem brave and
courageous- much sarcasm – suggests
Chaucer poking fun at courtiers-
whom he would have been
surrounded by- and their willingness
to say anything in order to please.
What Placebo’s other use is is to
strengthen januarie’s portrayal as a foolish
and stupid man- AS Palcebo explains that
he normally tells those in a higher social
position what they want to hear- so the
fact Januarie accepts his advice anyway-
shows how hw values his pride above the
‘I nevere hem
Never- implies that
always he says the
samething- regardless
of the matter- his advice
is clearly not
trustworthy as he says
‘the same, or elles thing
Ful greet fool… his
conseil sholde
passé his lords
Ironic as it is foolish for a lord to
trust a conseilller for advice when
they would just agree. – Clearly he is
someone who lives and is ruled by
the hericarchy system.- as his name
suggests- just wants to please.
His manner of
speaking is full of
cliche's and
meanngless tags-
reflects the
emptiness of his
so called advice.
His name sounds like justice- as
if he is willing to do what is
right- contrasting to what will
please. Our first impression of
him is of someone who is wise-
and much more realistic that
ay stille sat and herde’
Idea he listens to what is being said
around him- focusing before speaking-
talks reason. ‘To whom I yeve my body for
alwey’ I warne yow wel, It is no childes
play’ he has a much more seriond realistic
view of marriage. He recognizes it is a
lifelong commitment and has a more
logical approach
‘Senek… / Seith a man
oghte him right wel
avise/ To whom he
yeveth his lond or his
Idea a man must ought to consider
very carefully who he give his
possessions to. The fact that this is
the first thing being considered is a
strong indication that this is the
most important- and is the first
suggestion that the merchant is
speaking here.
Justinis' views are very derogtory
and negative however, realistic,
thus making us believe he is
represntative of the Merchants
‘Where she be wys, or
sobre , or dronkelwe/ Or
Very derogatory terms- listing of
the bad things shows he has a
negative view-Vices women may
show are all associated with
incontinence of some
kind-drunkeness- excessive
scolding and sexual
I have wept many ateere/ Ful
prively, Sin I have had a wyf’
‘’Cost and care..observances,
of alle blisses bare’
Theophrastus view – contrast to
idealized version of marriage
January portrays. Says Watch them-
relaises the practical issues. ‘many
an observance.. yvele apaid’
Semantic field of negative
language- shows his view of
Though similar to the
Merchants views- more a
compilation form
contemprary anti feminist
January is portrayed as even more foolish- when
we see him -says ‘I preye yow to my wil ye wole
assente’ –he wants his friends to agree with him-
fooling himself that theya re doing t of their own
accord. evne tiugh h just asked for advice- just
wants someone to stroke his ego.
Wiser men than thou
Januarys reaction to the advice that
disagrees with him- and sems the more
logical – is typical of a cuckold- dismissive
and rude . He discredits the opinion as
worth a ‘pnyerful of herbes / Of Scole
termes’ Dismissing scholars after using
proverb for them.
He becomes impatient with Januarie.
‘hated this folye’ ‘ansswerde
anon right in his japyerye’
He replies mockingly- without ‘auctoritee
alegge’ As he knows January is not
interested in following religious verses –
showing thaty Januaries interest in going
to heavan is purely so he can convince
himself he will be alright. -He argues a
‘sengle man’ would not be given more
chance of heaven thean a married one-
-However he presents a negative view of
marriage again- reinforcing the idea that
his purpose in the tale is to embody the
Merchants views.
‘’Goddes menae and
God’s whippe’
This idea of whip makes it seem like a
punishment. It shows women again in a
negative light. By referring to womens
instruments and whips also continues their
objectification- a theme which is prominent
throughout the tale due to its primitive era,
however not a view carried by Chaucer- as
evident in the Wife of baths tale.
‘Than shal youre
soule up to hevene
skippe/ Swifter
than footh an arwe
out of a bowe’
The idea that his soul will be skipping-
presents a hyperbolic image of how
happy he will be to leave his marriage-
suggesting his life will be miserable. The
metaphor of an arrow leaving a bow
enhances the destructive connotations
and concepts marriage has been linked
with. It suggests attack, injury, pain
suffering and damage.
‘The Wyf of Bathe’
The reference to the wife of bath is
Chaucer breaking the 4th wall- Justinus
refers to her to show the bad side of
women- and heighten the idea that they
are manipulative and
untrustworthy—and just how painful she
made marriage for her first 5 husbands.
Also a sophisticated literary joke
on behalf of justinus- an
allegorical figure who represents
the plain truth- criticises J for not
only iving in fnatasy but being
locked in the merchants tale so
lacking the accumulated
knowledge and wisdom of all
His refuasl to refer to learned
authorities to support his
argument dramatises a certain
exasperation with the futility of
convincing someone as deluded
as January.
Arguably whole debate is no
debate at all as no one enters it
with an open mind.