Web/presentation software


KS4 ICT Mapa Mental sobre Web/presentation software, creado por Matthew Stentiford el 19/04/2017.
Matthew Stentiford
Mapa Mental por Matthew Stentiford, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Matthew Stentiford
Creado por Matthew Stentiford hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Web/presentation software
  1. Multimedia presentation
    1. uses mixture of media such as images, text, sound, video etc
      1. Animations/transitions
        1. Can set times and add animation effect ot the presentation
        2. Action button/hyperlinks
          1. move to next/home slide, open a document, run a movie clip
        3. Webpages
          1. use Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML) to form an internet browser
            1. Uses a special web page creation project
              1. web
                1. A folder in your computer that holds all your web pages
                  1. Can be uploaded to an intranet to to a website
                    1. Some webpages have counters of how many visitors they have had
                      1. Hyperlinks = link to another page
                        1. can help navigate through various websites and webpages
                    2. Considering the audience
                      1. consider the use of
                        1. Text - needs to be large enough/appropriate style
                          1. Info - NOT too much/little
                            1. Colours - contrast to make text look clear
                              1. Pop ups - when mouse hovers over an image that describes it
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