How does technology improve peoples health and well-being?


GCSE Health and safety in ICT Mapa Mental sobre How does technology improve peoples health and well-being?, creado por Amy Cavill el 13/05/2013.
Amy Cavill
Mapa Mental por Amy Cavill, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Amy Cavill
Creado por Amy Cavill hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

How does technology improve peoples health and well-being?
  1. Laser eye surgery
    1. Without technology we wouldn't be able to do lazer eye surgery.
    2. Pacemaker
      1. Technology meant devices like this have been made, it helps to improve peoples health by making them live longer.
      2. Digital hearing aids
        1. Digital hearing aids use technology which enables people to be able to listen clearly and better,
        2. Helps patients to communicate with doctors.
          1. Links doctors with other doctors
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