Non experimental methods


Mapa Mental sobre Non experimental methods, creado por rachbreen el 13/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por rachbreen, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por rachbreen hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Non experimental methods
  1. Observations
    1. No demand characteristics
      1. Unaware of being observed
      2. High ecological validity
        1. Real life situations
        2. Observer bias
          1. Interpret with own beliefs etc
          2. Unable to replicate
            1. Conditions are not controlled
          3. Case studies
            1. Allow investigation where other methods are unethical
              1. Relate to one person, not an average of many
                1. Cannot be generalised
                  1. Reliant on full/accurate memories
                  2. Questionnaires
                    1. Large samples, researchers dont have to be present when completed
                      1. Obtain lots of data quickly
                      2. Social desirability affecting answers
                        1. Closed questions dont give opportunity for full answers
                      3. Interviews
                        1. Gain quantitative and qualitative
                          1. Follow up questions to explore further
                          2. The sample group may have characteristics not general as they voluteered
                            1. Response may be with evaluation aprehension
                          3. Correlational analysis
                            1. Used when experiment method may be unethical
                              1. Relationships can lead to predictions
                              2. Dont show cause and effect
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