Services in Canada


Grade 6 Social Stuides Mapa Mental sobre Services in Canada, creado por Maxwell Amador Vonkeman el 09/05/2017.
Maxwell Amador Vonkeman
Mapa Mental por Maxwell Amador Vonkeman, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Maxwell Amador Vonkeman
Creado por Maxwell Amador Vonkeman hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Services in Canada
  1. Federal Government (Canada)
    1. These services are in all of Canada, as a whole.
      1. Jobs and the Workplace (Businesses, Pay-rolls, Pay-checks)
        1. Immigration and Citizenship (Immigrants, and citizenship tests)
          1. Business and Industry (Income)
            1. Travel and Tourism
              1. Benefits (Flexible health accounts, and money given to employees that can be used for extra health services)
                1. Health (shared with provincial government)
                  1. Taxes (not a service, but used to pay for services)
                    1. Environment and Natural Resources (Oil, Gas, and Pollution management)
                      1. National Security and Defense (Border Security, Airport Security)
                        1. Police, Justice and Emergencies
                          1. Transport and Infrastructure
                            1. Culture, History and Sport
                              1. Money and Finances (Banks, Money Deposits, etc.)
                                1. Science and Innovation
                                  1. Public Service and Military
                                    1. Treaties, Laws and Regulations (Laws created, First Nations Treaties etc)
                                      1. Departments and Agencies
                                    2. Local Government (Calgary)
                                      1. The difference here is that these services are for the city, not the whole country or province.
                                        1. Parks and recreation (They provide public parks )
                                          1. Transportation (They provide city buses and c trains)
                                            1. First Responders, Fire Fighters, Paramedics, Police
                                              1. Social programs (the local government provides services especially for seniors, for example a senior centre)
                                                1. Library (The local government pays for books and the buildings)
                                                  1. Animal Services (Keeping people safe from wild animals, adopting a cat or dog)
                                                    1. Streets and Roads (Paving, and Clearing)
                                                      1. Environment (the local government pays for a garbage and recycling truck to pick up your waste and recycling
                                                        1. Taxes are used to pay for services.
                                                          1. Building and Planning (Construction)
                                                        2. Provincial Government (Alberta)
                                                          1. These are services occur in Alberta
                                                            1. These are ten out of the 22 we found
                                                              1. Advanced education and normal education (accelerated learning, special help etc.)
                                                                1. Agriculture and Forestry (Farming products, tree use)
                                                                  1. Community and Social Services (Supports people with disabilities, family violence prevention, and more)
                                                                    1. Economic development and trades (Attracting investors, supporting diverse economy)
                                                                      1. Energy (Oil, Coal and Gas)
                                                                        1. Environment and Parks (Public Parks, clean environment
                                                                          1. Health Care (Hospitals, Medicine, Research)
                                                                            1. Seniors Housing (Programs and homes for seniors)
                                                                              1. Treasury board and finance (money storage and tax income)
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