Progressive Era


Mapa Mental sobre Progressive Era, creado por Kaitlyn Pittman el 10/05/2017.
Kaitlyn Pittman
Mapa Mental por Kaitlyn Pittman, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kaitlyn Pittman
Creado por Kaitlyn Pittman hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Progressive Era
  1. Goals
    1. Promoting Social Welfare
      1. helping the poor/immigrants
      2. Promoting moral improvement
        1. Giving women more money
        2. Creating Economic Reform
          1. Fixing problems between the workers, factory owners & the rich
          2. Fostering Efficiency
            1. correcting injustices in American Life
          3. Teddy Roosevelt
            1. Square Deal
              1. All businesses have an equal opportunity
              2. "Trust Buster"
                1. Goes after people that limit fair trade and competition
              3. Women
                1. Alice Paul
                  1. Would do get women the right to vote
                  2. Carrie Chapmann
                    1. Women's suffrage activist
                  3. Muckrakers
                    1. Journalists who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life
                      1. Jacob Riis
                        1. Exposed housing conditions
                        2. Upton Sinclair
                          1. The Jungle
                          2. Ida Tarbell
                            1. The History of Standard Oil
                        3. Imperialism
                          1. New Military Strategies
                            1. New products to sell to new people and new places
                              1. Social Darwinism
                                1. Some places are inferior to the U.S
                                2. Roosevelt Corollary
                                  1. U.S. has the right to protect to money through military intervention
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