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Art as Imitation
A-Level (Why do we value art?) Philosophy Mapa Mental sobre Art as Imitation, creado por lucy-hook el 14/05/2013.
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why do we value art?
why do we value art?
Mapa Mental por
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
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hace casi 12 años
Resumen del Recurso
Art as Imitation
We learn from art because the imitations it provides teach us something about the world
Degas' Little Dancer Aged Fourteen
represents the fluidity and grace of movement of ballet dancers
the more successful the imitation, the better the art
valued for a true to life depiction of a scene
Constable's The Hay Wain
Heda's Still Life with a Lobster
valued for accuracy and level of detail in creating a still life that is authentic, realistic and life like
art is only a copy of reality therefore it is essentially deceptive
it is an imitation of an imitation of the original concept
extremely imperfect
art is not a good path to knowledge
art has no real practical purpose
Criticisms of Plato
presupposes the existence of a world of forms to begin with
assumes the key to successful art is accuracy
abstract art
Malevich's The Black Square
artist's aim is not to represent material objects, but rather to grasp their essence
possible to see art as imitation but not devalue it as 'mimesis'
Raphael - 'in order to paint a beautiful woman... I make use of a certain idea that comes into my head'
He tries to represent the ideal woman - not a woman who actually exists
purpose of art is not only to imitate objects but to represent their essence
Vecchio's A Blonde Woman
Trompe l'oeil
most impressive in terms of skill at representing reality as it seems three-dimensional and deceives the audience
However can we say that Trompe l'oeil artworks are better than Picasso's Guernica or Van Gogh's Chair because they are less realistic
del Caso's Escaping Criticsm
we can work out quickly that it is only an illusion
If art was only imitation, it would be an illusion whose aim was to deceive
it would be a failure as soon as we worked out that it is an illusion
How can art inform us if its purpose is to deceive us?
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