Physical Skills


Year 9 Dance Mapa Mental sobre Physical Skills, creado por Charlotte Coates el 23/05/2017.
Charlotte Coates
Mapa Mental por Charlotte Coates, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Charlotte Coates
Creado por Charlotte Coates hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Physical Skills
  1. Balance
    1. A steady or held position achieved by an even distribution of weight
    2. Isolation
      1. An independent movement of part of the body
      2. Flexibility
        1. The range of movements in the muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments
        2. Stamina
          1. Endurance - both muscular and cardio-respitory
          2. Posture
            1. The way the body is held
            2. Co-ordination
              1. The efficient combination of body parts
              2. Mobility
                1. The range of movement in a joint; the ability to move fluently from action to action
                2. Extension
                  1. Lengthening one or more muscles or limbs
                  2. Alignment
                    1. Correct placement of body parts in relation to each other
                    2. Control
                      1. The ability to start and stop movement; change direction and hold a shape efficiently
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