Part 2


AS levels (Dalloway parts) Z - English AS Mapa Mental sobre Part 2, creado por Izzy Simmons el 15/05/2013.
Izzy Simmons
Mapa Mental por Izzy Simmons, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Izzy Simmons
Creado por Izzy Simmons hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Part 2
  1. Septimus
    1. "For one must be scientific, above all scientific"


      • IRONY that he is the one trying to look at this logically, whereas the medical profession brush it aside
      1. "brown shoes and a shabby overcoat, with hazel eyes which had that look of apprehension in them which makes complete strangers apprehensive too"
        1. "The world has raised its whip; where will it descend?"
          1. "Was he not being looked at and pointed at"
            1. "Tears ran down his cheeks"
              1. "No one kills from hatred"
              2. Lucrezia
                1. "to love makes one solitary"
                2. Mental illness and medical context
                  1. "But failure one conceals"
                    1. Peter's failure
                    2. "There was nothing whatever the matter with him"
                      1. Doctors "know absolutely nothing"


                        • Virginia's life conclusion
                      2. "a little out of sorts"
                        1. Comparison with Evelyn


                          • "Evelyn was a good deal out of sorts"
                        2. "she could tell nobody"
                          1. "Dr Holmes had told her to make him notice real things"
                            1. Elaine Showalter, 'The Female Malady'


                              • His grief and introspection are emotions that are consigned to the feminine" "as soldiers returned to take over their former places as social leaders, women returned to their former places as primary psychiatric patients" "Septimus feels so much because others feel so little"
                              1. Wir Mitchells 'Rest cure' - Yellow Wallpaper, Charlotte Perkins Gilman
                              2. The aeroplane
                                1. Different perceptions
                                  1. "The Mark on the wall"
                                    1. "Everyone looked up"
                                    2. Freedom of thought
                                      1. "The aeroplane turned and raced and swooped exactly where it liked, swiftly, freely, like a skater - ... or a dancer"
                                        1. "Away and away the aeroplane shot, till it was nothing but a bright spark; an aspiration; a concentration; a symbol... of man's soul of his determination... to get outside his body, beyond his house, by means of thought
                                      2. Heirarchy and class structure
                                        1. People still have great respect for monarchy
                                          1. Hugh's "little job at court"
                                            1. However "the car went in at the gates and nobody looked at it"
                                              1. "For the surface agitation of the passing car as it sunk grazed something very profound"
                                            2. The Car
                                              1. "ruffling the faces on both sides of the street with the same dark breath of veneration whether for Queen, Prince, or Prime Minister"
                                                1. "greatness was seated within... removed only by a hand's breadth from ordinary people"
                                                  1. Who is in the car is unknown


                                                    • This symbol that they have created for themselves is hollow
                                                  2. "strangers looked at each other and though of the dead; of the flag; of Empire"
                                                    1. "bestowed emotion, vainly, upon commoners out for a drive"
                                                      1. "poor mothers of Pimlico"
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