C1- States of Matter.


C1.1- The particle model C1.2- Atomic structure
Gurpreet Kaur
Mapa Mental por Gurpreet Kaur, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Gurpreet Kaur
Creado por Gurpreet Kaur hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

C1- States of Matter.
  1. The Particle Model
    1. Solids
      1. Strong force of attraction
        1. Fixed arrangement
          1. Regular lattice arrangement
          2. They vibrate in their position
            1. In their define shape and volume
              1. The hotter they get the more vibrations they do.
            2. Liquids
              1. Some force of attraction
                1. Dont keep a define shape as they flow in the bottom of the container
                  1. If you cool it it will freeze and become a solid
                    1. If you heat it, it will evaporate and become a gas.
                  2. Gases
                    1. No force of attraction
                      1. Dont have a define shape
                        1. Take the shape of the container
                          1. Move constantly with random motion
                            1. The hotter the gas= the faster they move
                              1. They will either expand or their pressure would increase when heated
                            2. They would condense if they cool down and then become a liquid
                            3. Physical change
                              1. They can go through to a different state of matter and go back to the original state
                              2. Chemical change
                                1. This is hard to reverse, as bonds between atoms break and the atoms change places- the atoms from the substances you start off with rearrange themselves to form different products
                              3. Atomic structure
                                1. John Dalton
                                  1. 19th century
                                    1. Described atoms as solid spheres and that sphere made up different elements.
                                  2. J.J Thomson
                                    1. Plum Pudding Model
                                      1. Atoms are made up of electrons
                                    2. Rutherford
                                      1. 1909
                                        1. Conducted the gold foil experiment with students Geiger and Marsden
                                          1. They fired positive alpha particles at a thin sheet of gold.
                                            1. They found out that some of the particles did go straight through. However, some was deflected more than expected and small number were deflected BACKWARDS.
                                              1. His theory: The Nuclear Atom. In this there is a positive charged nucleus at the centre surrounded by a cloud of electrons
                                      2. Bohr
                                        1. Suggested that electrons can only exist in fixed orbits and not anywhere in between. This was supported by many experiments.
                                        2. Isotopes are atoms with different numbers of neutrons
                                          1. Negative ions form when atoms gain electrons
                                            1. Positive ions form when atoms lose electrons

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