aim - identify and
correct cognitive
deficits which lead to
criminal behaviour
first task - help offender
recognise their cognitive
deficits then help them
change their thinking and
behaviour through the
acquisition of cognitive skills
2 programmes used by the prisons in England and Wales:
Enhanced Thinking Skills (ETS) and Reasoning and
Rehabilitation (R&R)
groups of 6 offenders attend sequential modules
each session teaches sub-skills
building on previous learning
based on premise that offenders are typically under-socialised,
lacking values, attitudes, reasoning and social skills required for
appropriate social behaviour
modules cover
areas such as:
problem solving
social skills,
negotiation and
20 two-hour ETS groupwork sessions
that are made compulsory
skills include learning to think before acting
group exercises and role play demonstrate
the value of stopping and thinking to help
with understanding the consequences
Friendship (2002) - both
ETS and R&R are effective
however, Cann (2003)
found that ETS was
effective and R&R was not
unlike simply punishing
offenders by imprisonment,
cognitive approaches can
change thinking patterns
may not be
long term
gender bias - programmes
were developed for use
with male prisoners
however, Cann (2003)
suggested that the
findings may alternatively
be due to the absence of
the cognitive deficits
related to the crimes
committed by the women
or because the samples
were predominantly
low-risk individuals
Behavioural therapy
Operant conditioning
token economy
used to improve the
behaviour of prisoners
behaviour of inmates can be changed by
positively reinforcing desirable
(non-aggressive) behaviour with tokens
should be given immediately and consistently
however, Bassett and Blanchard (1977) observed one
3-month programme which failed due to staff misuse
however, token economy
approach treats only apparent
behaviour such as aggression
leads to an increase of
acceptable behaviour
used to reduce
the frequency
of non-desired
reinforement of successive
appoximations to the
desired behaviour
when tokens are given
by prison staff they are
accompanied by praise
this will eventually
replace the tokens as a
source of reinforcement
Is it
Jenkins (1974)
followed up young
male offenders for 18
months post-release
found non-significant differences between a
control group and those on cognitive training
programmes or a token economy
however, the token group consistently
had the lowest % of post-release
offences over the last 9 months
tokens only work if the
inmates are motivated
to collect tokens
in reality, powerful prisoners
may control much more
effective reinforcers and
punishers than wardens