the types of matter


Mapa Mental sobre the types of matter, creado por raneem alammar el 08/06/2017.
raneem alammar
Mapa Mental por raneem alammar, actualizado hace más de 1 año
raneem alammar
Creado por raneem alammar hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

the types of matter
  1. liquid
    1. are able to flow
      1. have fixed size and volume
        1. take the shape of the container they are in
          1. are incompressible
          2. solid
            1. have a fixed shape
              1. have a fixed size and volume
                1. cannot be compressed
                  1. will usually sink when placed in liquids of the same material.
            2. gas
              1. are often colourless, odourless and invisible
                1. will spread out to take the shape of the container
                  1. have no fixed shape or volume
                      1. can be compressed (pushed in to make them take up a smaller amount of space
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