

GCSE Religious Studies - Christian Ethics - Euthanasia Revision Mind Map
Lydia x
Mapa Mental por Lydia x, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lydia x
Creado por Lydia x hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Assisted Suicide
    1. Providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide
    2. Voluntary Euthanasia
      1. Someone dying in pain asks a doctor to end his/her life painlessly.
      2. Non-Voluntary Euthanasia
        1. Ending someones life painlessly when they are unable to ask but you have good reason to think they would want you to do so.
        2. Passive Euthanasia
          1. When death is brought about by an omission - i.e. when someone lets the person die. This can be by withdrawing or withholding treatment.
          2. Active Euthanasia
            1. When death is brought about by an act - for example when a person is killed by being given an overdose of pain-killers.
            2. The Law
              1. Assisted Suicide is ILLEGAL in the UK.
                1. Commiting Suicide is LEGAL.
                  1. Euthanasia is ILLEGAL
                  2. Roman Catholic
                    1. 'Thou Shall Not Muder' - Euthanasia is Murder.
                      1. 'In His Image' - Only God can give and take life.
                        1. SANCTITY OF LIFE - All Life is sacred, holy and belongs to God.
                          1. 'Body is a Temple' - We should not abuse our body which is a 'Gift From God'
                          2. Protestant
                            1. Jesus showed compassion & agape.
                              1. It is okay to let someone die out of mercy.
                                1. Free Will - Everyone has the right to choose when to die.
                                  1. Euthanasia may be 'lesser of two evils' if person is in too much pain/ doesn't have a good quality of life.
                                  2. The Hospice Movement
                                    1. A hospice is a house or home dedicated to the care of terminally ill patients.
                                      1. Dame Cicely Saunders.
                                        1. Set up in 1900.
                                          1. Alternative to Euthanasia
                                            1. Many who do not support euthanasia believe that hospices allow people to die with dignity. If the pain is kept under control the individual can live well up to the moment they die. Many Christians support the hospice movement and believe that if there were enough spaces available for all who wished to go there, that euthanasia would not be needed.
                                            2. Main Aims
                                              1. To relieve pain. Today it is thought it is not necessary for terminally ill patients to die in pain. Hospices specialize in pain control. Hospice staff believe all pain, however severe can be brought under control.
                                                1. To help patients, friends and relatives face up to death. Although many hospices are Christian foundations, no attempt is made to persuade patients to become Christians. Opportunities are given to the patients and to family members to discuss death and dying.
                                                  1. To care for the emotional needs of friends and family. Hospices help families cope with bereavement before, during and after the death of their relative.
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