Superpower relations: The Cold War


Mapa Mental sobre Superpower relations: The Cold War, creado por Sachi Sahi el 18/06/2017.
Sachi Sahi
Mapa Mental por Sachi Sahi, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sachi Sahi
Creado por Sachi Sahi hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Superpower relations: The Cold War
  1. Origins 1941 - 58
    1. Early Tensions
      1. The Grand Alliance were USA, Britain, and the USSR
        1. Yalta
          1. Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin
          2. Potsdam
            1. Attlee, Stalin, Truman
            2. Tehran
              1. Long and Novikov telegrams
                1. USA were worried about spreading communism
                2. Development
                  1. Truman Doctrine
                    1. Marshall Plan
                      1. NATO
                        1. Cominform and Comecon
                          1. Berlin
                          2. Cold War intensifies
                            1. Arms race
                              1. Warsaw Pact
                                1. Hungarian upsiring
                                  1. Invasion of Hungary reactions
                                2. Cold War Crises 1958 - 70
                                  1. Increased tension
                                    1. Cuba
                                      1. Bay of Pigs
                                      2. Czechoslovakia
                                        1. Prague Spring
                                        2. Refugee problem in Berlin
                                          1. Summit meetings 1959 - 1961
                                          2. Cold War Crises
                                            1. Berlin Wall
                                              1. Cuban Missile Crisis
                                                1. Brezhnev Doctrine
                                                2. Reaction to Crisis
                                                  1. Impacts of Berlin Wall
                                                    1. Consequences to Cuban Missile Crisis
                                                      1. Reactions to Czechoslovakia
                                                    2. The end of the Cold War
                                                      1. Attempts to reduce tension
                                                        1. Detente
                                                          1. SALT 1
                                                            1. SALT 2
                                                              1. Helsinki
                                                              2. Reagan and Gorbachev
                                                                1. Gorbachev New Thinking
                                                                  1. INF treaty
                                                                  2. Flashpoints
                                                                    1. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
                                                                      1. Carter Doctrine
                                                                        1. Olympic boycotts
                                                                          1. Reagan
                                                                          2. Collapse of Soviet control over Eastern Europe
                                                                            1. Impact of New Thinking
                                                                              1. Fall of Berlin Wall
                                                                                1. Collapse of the Soviet Union
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