The League of Nations aims and 1920s successes and Failures


International Relations Mapa Mental sobre The League of Nations aims and 1920s successes and Failures, creado por adam101 el 16/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por adam101, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por adam101 hace casi 12 años

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The League of Nations aims and 1920s successes and Failures
  1. Aims
    1. Stop war
      1. To improve the life of people and jobs of them around the world
        1. Disarmament
          1. To uphold and enforce the Treaty of Versailles
          2. Major flaws
            1. Only met once a year
              1. Had no army
                1. Took to long to make decisions
                  1. Had no major country to back them up like the U.S.A or Russia
                  2. Upper Silesia
                    1. Germany and Poland both wanted this as it had valuable industry
                      1. Plebiscite held and voted in favour of Germany
                        1. Germany got more land and population but the Poles got more industry
                          1. Result: great bitterness in Germany but both countries accepted the decision
                          2. Failure at the aim of diarmament
                            1. 1923 conference failed because the British objected
                              1. Objected because they didn't want to give soldiers to other countries incase Britain needed them
                            2. Humanitarian succesess
                              1. repatriated 400,000 prisoners of war
                                1. worked to abolish malaria and leprosy
                                  1. attacked slave traders in Sierra Leone and Burma
                                    1. Enter text here
                                      1. £10 million spent on making homes and medicines for the homeless
                                      2. Disputes
                                        1. More then half the disputes were settled by the League
                                          1. 7 solved. 3 not
                                        2. Crisis Failure
                                          1. Poland invaded land held by the Russians and then advanced in to Russia
                                            1. 1920
                                              1. The Russians then had only one choice and that was to sign the Treaty of Riga
                                                1. The League did nothing
                                                  1. This handed the Poles nearly 80,000 square miles of Russian terrritory
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