

Business Unit 1 Mapa Mental sobre Enterprise, creado por Charlotte Webber el 16/05/2013.
Charlotte Webber
Mapa Mental por Charlotte Webber, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Charlotte Webber
Creado por Charlotte Webber hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Enterprise- a new business brought into a market
    1. Entrepreneur- a person who has an idea and sets up a business
      1. Characteristics
        1. Determination
          1. Passion
            1. Ability to spot advantages and disadvantages of their business
              1. Vision, creativity, innovation
                1. Motivation
                  1. Willing to take risks
                  2. Opportunity Costs- the next best thing that you could have chosen but did not
                    1. Risks
                      1. Bankrupt
                        1. Failure
                          1. Debt
                            1. No Pension
                              1. Copycats
                              2. Rewards
                                1. Life time achievement
                                  1. Gain goals
                                    1. Earn money
                                      1. Market monopoly
                                        1. Boss of own hours
                                          1. Provide work for families
                                          2. Government support
                                            1. Reduce business taxes
                                              1. encourage business start ups
                                                1. make it easier to get finance
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