Plan in Analog


secrets of steve jobs
Andres Lopez
Mapa Mental por Andres Lopez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Andres Lopez
Creado por Andres Lopez hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Plan in Analog
  1. Marketing is really theater. It‘s like staging a performance. "JOHN SCULLEY"
    1. Truly great presenters like Steve Jobs visualize, plan and create ideas on paper (or whiteboards) well before they open the presentation software.
      1. Design experts, and apple designers recommend that presenters spend the majority of their time
        1. thinking
          1. sketching
            1. scripting
            2. Duarte suggests that a presenter spend up
              1. 90 hours
                1. 1 long-hour
                  1. 30 slides
                  2. Bullet kills
                    1. Creating the slides did not take as much time as developing the story. Once we wrote the narrative, designing the slides was easy. Remember, it’s the story, not the slides, that will capture the imagination of your audience.
                    2. Napkin test
                      1. A picture is the most powerful method for conveying an idea.Never underestimate the power of a vision so simple that it can fit on a napkin!
                    3. Focus points
                      1. 3 main parts
                        1. Type of Audience
                          1. -Visual -Auditory (listeners) -Kinesthetic( interactive)
                          2. 5 - points of a persuasive argument
                            1. -Tell a story -Express an issue -Propose a solution -Explain it
                            2. Previous Sketch
                              1. Skect how your presentation will be
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