The Kingdom of God


Mapa Mental sobre The Kingdom of God, creado por grace.boyd18 el 17/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por grace.boyd18, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por grace.boyd18 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Kingdom of God
  1. Miracles
    1. Done by Jesus
      1. Taught about the KOG
        1. Caught peoples' attention
      2. Nature
        1. 'A Storm on Lake Galilee'
        2. Casting out demons
          1. 'Jesus casts out a demon'
          2. Restoration of life
            1. 'The Raising of Lazarus'
            2. Healing
              1. 'The curing of the ten lepers'
              2. Actions, initiating a response, that cannot be explained
              3. Parables
                1. Told by Jesus
                  1. Taught about the KOG
                    1. Caught peoples' attention
                  2. An everyday story with a deeper meaning.
                    1. 'The Good Samaritan'
                      1. 'The Prodigal Son'
                        1. 'The Lost Sheep'
                          1. 'The Parable of The Sower'
                          2. Discipleship
                            1. Jesus' followers
                              1. To follow Jesus/God
                                1. To trust in Jesus/God
                                  1. To believe in Jesus/God
                                    1. To preach the Good News
                                  2. Jesus chose his disciples
                                    1. Jesus' 12 disciples
                                  3. Table Fellowship
                                    1. Jesus with others
                                      1. Sharing (food and drink) with others
                                        1. Acceptance of outcasts
                                          1. Creates a bond between people
                                          2. The Last Supper
                                            1. Zachaeus the Tax-collector
                                            2. Jesus' vision of an ideal world, respectful, kind and forgiving
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