

Made by yashika
Yashika  Kotian
Mapa Mental por Yashika Kotian , actualizado hace más de 1 año
Yashika  Kotian
Creado por Yashika Kotian hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. it comes from a Spanish word 'boyar' ,float
    1. this enables the object to float over a liquid
      1. this was discovered by Archimedes
        1. therefore it is also known as Archimedes principle
        2. eg: besides being haevy ships float on water
          1. if the density of the object is more than the liquid,the object will sink
            1. if the density of the object is less then the density of the liquid it will flat
              1. if the density of the object is exactly same as the density of the liquid ,it will niether float nor sink

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