

Kindergarten Mind Map
Mapa Mental por sharon.stubbs, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por sharon.stubbs hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. The student will correctly use words and phrases related to chronology and time to explain how things change. a. Now, long ago b. Before, after c. Morning, afternoon, night d. Today, tomorrow, yesterday e. First, last, next f. Day, week, month, year g. Past, present, futur
    1. Appy
      1. Student will demonstrate sequencing of events related to yesterday, today and tomorrow with 85 % accuracy.
    2. Students will compare the similarities and differences in groups of organisms.
      1. Evaluate
        1. Students will compare the similarities and differences between invertebrates and vertebrates with 90 percent accuracy
      2. Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring and manipulating objects in scientific activities.
        1. Apply
          1. Student will observe, measure and manipulate items using scales with 90 percent accuracy.
        2. With Prompting and support, Student will identify Characters, Setting, and Major Events In a Story
          1. Remember
            1. Student will be able to identify the characters, setting and major events in the book The Mitten by Jan Brett with prompting and support with 90 percent accuracy.
              1. Individually students will create a podcast with their teacher and answer questions following the story The Mitten identifying the characters, setting and major events with prompting with 90 percent accuracy.
                1. URL:
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