Evaluation Question: 7


Mapa Mental sobre Evaluation Question: 7, creado por robinsonchloeqe el 12/02/2014.
Mapa Mental por robinsonchloeqe, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por robinsonchloeqe hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Evaluation Question: 7
  1. Construction
    1. Front Cover
      1. Photography
        1. In my prelim my photography skils were limited. I gave little direction to the model, I only took one shot and used this shot for the final product and I used the camera on my phone to take the images.
          1. However on my final products I learnt how to use a digital SLR camera which gave me a much better quality and finish. I also took photo inspiration from other magazines and this allowed me to have more professional looking images. I also learnt that it is beneficial to take multiple images so that I was guaranteed some good images.
        2. Layout
          1. I learnt the importance of having a strong layout. In my prelim I did not think about layout too much. I decided to put sell lines down one side as this is something I thought would look good.
            1. When creating my final products I learnt that skylines are used at the top to advertise or share something about the magazine. I also learnt other conventions such as having the mast head at the top left had side. This is evident in my front cover and made it look more like professional practice.
          2. Lighting
            1. In my prelim I shot my models in the classroom which meant I shot under fluorescent lighting this did not create good shadows and the overall quality was not good.
              1. However I used a 3 point lighting system when shooting the images for my magazine. I learnt how to create shadows, lighter areas and obtain high quality shots.
          3. Contents Page
            1. Locations
              1. In my prelim I shot my model against a white wall this looks very unprofessional. Also as you can see in the photo there is part of a power source feature which gain looks very unprofessional.
                1. I learnt that by using a studio it allows you to be able to have different coloured backgrounds and also have a professional quality image. I also learnt that by using an outside location you can add variety to the images.
              2. Photoshop and Indesign
                1. In my prelim I only used Photoshop and I had very limited skills. For example in my prelim you can see that my text is not lined up that is because I did not know how to set up guidelines. You can also see that I did not use any effects on the text or the images and that is because I did not know how
                  1. In my final product I used photoshop to professionally edit my images and I could manipulate colour and size to add variety and style to the page. Just by comparing the amount of space on the prelim to my final contents page you can see that I have used the program better to fill dead space and keep the page looking attractive and busy.
                2. Fonts
                  1. In my prelim I only used one font which was a pre-set font. I did not experiment with any other styles. I chose the font for my prelim base on the fact that it was an easy to red font but I did not consider researching fonts like I did for my real products.
                    1. In my final product I firstly researched fonts that would work well for my genre and my magazine. I then downloaded lots of different styles of fonts and uploaded them to my Mac so that I could use them for my product and so that I wasn't just limited to the fonts that were already on the programs. As you can see on my products I used a variety of fonts and I also altered the spacing and height of the lettering to fit the contents page.
              3. Research and Planning
                1. Target audience research
                  1. Allowed me to add features that would attract and appeal to them.
                    1. In my prelim I didn't consider costume and this shows on my cover.
                  2. Textual research
                    1. Allowed me to identify conventions of real media mainly layout.
                      1. In my prelim I added elements such as the mast head where I liked and this made my product look unprofessional
                    2. Costume and prop research
                      1. Allowed me to specifically chose costume and props for my models that would be inline wiht the indie genre.
                        1. In my prelim the model were shot in the clothes they were wearing for college I had no input in the props and costume which doesn't help the audience to identify the genre.
                      2. Photography Development
                        1. This allowed me to practice composing shots and taking them before I took the images for my magazine.
                          1. In my prelim I did not practice any shots and I gave little direction to the models and this made my images look unproffessional and uninteresting.
                      3. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
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