Creado por tarrynjnnz
hace más de 10 años
Peake and Fleure
V. G. Childe
What is the oasis theory?
Braidwood and Flanks
Kennedy and Watson
Name 3 obstacles to domestication
Near East consists out of which countries?
Shanidar cave
Which period is associated with the earliest agriculture?
What happened at the Ohalo site and where is it found?
Where is Jericho found?
What occurred in Catalhoyuk and where was it found?
Where was it found and what was found?
What do sickle blades suggest?
Younger dryas
Ain Ghazal
Where is Catalhoyuk? And what is it known for?
How is heard management shown in Ganji Daren, Iran?
Fertile Crescent
What did the Natufian hunter-gathers do?
What evidence is seen by PPNB?
What were the three sisters and which was domesticated first?
Name some other native american domesticates
Where were the three sisters domesticated?
What was domesticated in South America?
What did maize develop from?
American domesticated animals incl.
Who investigated Tehuacan Valley?
What is found at Tehuacan Valley?
Where is the bean and squash ancestor found?
Name three plant spp. that were domesticated at Tehuacan valley?
What are the three changes following bean domestication?
Who suggested the model of orgin of agriculture?
Which site did Flannery work at?
Where is the earliest development of ritual thought to be? And what is the ritual?
Where did cannabilism occur and what was added to the dead bodies?
What is found at San Jose Mogote
Where did the most complex agricultural development occurred? Near East or New World?