Creado por callum.thomson
hace más de 10 años
Independent Financial Advisers
Tied Agents
Multi tied agents
Wealth Management Services can be offered either on a
Fund supermarket is an
A wrap platform is
Fund of funds can be either fettered or unfettered what does this mean
a multi manager product does what
Variants of Collective Investment Schemes are called
UCITS funds do what
Benefits of Collective Investment
What is the key difference between an authorised and unauthorised fund
Open ended funds can do what
Management Fees are
Distribution and services fees are
Other expenses are
front end load is what
purchase fee is what
A back-end load is
What is a Redemption fee
An exchange fee may be charged when
3 typical shares classes of mutual funds
Class A
Class B
Class C
When is a share trading at a premium
When is a share trading at a discount
What is an ETF
What are the 2 types of Index Replication for ETF
Describe Physical Replication
How does an ETF achieve Synthetic Replication
Advantage of Physical Replication
Disadvantages of Physical Replication
Advantages of Synthetic Replication
Disadvantage of Synthetic Replication
4 potential benefits of a Structured Product are
4 ways Private Equity can recoup investment in business
Sukuk Investments are
money weighted return does what
time-weighted return
what is the usual benchmark for risk free rate of return
what is the risk premium
What is volatility
High volatility means
Low volatility means
How is volatility measured
What is Total Return
What is Beta
Beta of 1 means
Beta greater than 1 means
A beta of 1.5 means
Beta of less than 1 means
Alpha is what
Unsystematic risk is
Systematic risk is
Systemic risk refers to