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Tienes 10 minutos para completar 10 preguntas de este test.
What's a higher order function ?
A function that takes another function as argument
A function that returns a function
Any of the above two
None of above
Which of the following is most adapted for parallel processing ?
Akka Actors
Scala Futures
Scala Options
Scala Either
val result = for { x <- Future(20) y <- Future(10) if y > 10 } yield x + y
what's the value of result ?
Which one is FALSE about an actor akka ?
Can communicate with an actor using tell function
Can communicate with an actor using ask pattern
Messages can be passed to an actor using ActorRef handle of that actor
Messages can be passed to an actor using Actor instance of that actor
A monad is a functor which also has a flatMap ?
What's NOT true about a type class in scala ?
It enables ad hoc polymorphism
It uses implicts, implicitly and bound context syntax
Addition of a new functionality in type class can be done without any changes to the original code
Type class is an abstract class
SBT performs incremental recompilations ?
val mySeq = Seq("Hello world", "Hello how are you", "Are you well", "Hello guys") val result = mySeq.flatMap(_.split(" ")).map(_.length).filter(v => v < 4).reduce(_ + _)
What's result ?
None of the above
trait F[-A] { }
What does -A represent ?
Covariant type parameter
Contravariant type parameter
Lower bound
Upper bound
Choose right responses for a partial function (multiple responses possible)
A PartialFunction must provide a method isDefinedAt
A PartialFunction must provide a method apply
Can be lifted to a normal function with return type wrapped in an option
Akka actor's receive method is not an example of partial function