What is the name of this exercise?
Where should the following word be stressed? camiseta
last syllable
second to last
third to last
Where should the following word be stressed? escarabajo
second to last syllable
forth to last
Where should the following word be stressed? capitalizar
third to last syllable
Where should the following word be stressed? destornillador
first syllable
Where should the following word be stressed? revolucion
Where should the following word be stressed? television
Where should the following word be stressed? campeonato
Where should the following word be stressed? reconstruir
Where should the following word be stressed? sincronizados
Where should the following word be stressed? automotriz
Where should the following word be stressed? extranjero
Where should the following word be stressed? estadounidenses
Where should the following word be stressed? universidad
Where should the following word be stressed? engrandecimiento
Where should the following word be stressed? comprometer
Where should the following word be stressed? contrareloj
Where should the following word be stressed? capital
Where should the following word be stressed? agroindustrial
Where should the following word be stressed? casualidad
Where should the following word be stressed? disfraz
Where should the following word be stressed? abastecedor