Creado por Liam Musselbrook
hace alrededor de 7 años
Define anaemia
How can anaemia present?
What general signs can be seen in a patient with anaemia?
Give examples of specific signs that suggest certain types of anaemia
Discuss anaemia and transfusion
What are MCV and MCH?
What are the causes of microcytic anaemia (Low MCV, <80fl)?
What are the causes of normocytic anaemia (normal MCV)?
What are the causes of macrocytic anaemia (high MCV, >96fl)
What investigations would help you determine the aetiology of a microcytic anaemia?
What signs can indicate IDA?
How does IDA develop and what is the 'latent iron deficiency' period?
What are the different causes of IDA?
How is IDA diagnosed?
What further investigations might you do for a patient with IDA?
Discuss the management of IDA
What is the 'Rule of 10's'?
Give common side effects of ferrous sulphate and how can they be ameliorated?
Anaemia of chronic disease is a top differential for IDA, how can it be differentiated using investigations?
What is Patterson-Brown (Plummer-Vinson) syndrome and how is it treated?
What is thalassemia?
Discuss β-thalassemia minor: presentation, haemoglobin
Discuss β-thalassemia major (Cooley's anaemia): genetic abnormality, presentation, extra features, survival, blood film and management
Discuss α-thalassemia: different genetics and their manifestations
What is sideroblastic anaemia and how is it caused?
Outline the approach to investigating a macrocytic anaemia
What is the mechanism by which B12/folate deficiency causes macrocytic anaemia?
Outline the physiological absorption of B12
What are the different causes of B12 deficiency?
What is pernicious anaemia?
Name a significant complication of B12 deficiency and describe how it presents
Give causes of folate deficiency
How is folate deficiency treated?
Outline the approach to investigating a normocytic anaemia
Discuss anaemia of chronic disease and its pathology
Discuss bone marrow failure as a cause of anaemia
Where does extravascular haemolysis take place?
What is the normal lifespan of a RBC?
Give intrinsic causes of haemolytic anaemia
Give extrinsic causes of haemolytic anaemia
What standard investigations might help you diagnose haemolytic anaemia?
What different features might be picked up on a blood film of a random haemolytic anaemia, and to what conditions do they link to?
What further tests might you do to pursue a diagnosis of a haemolytic anaemia?
What is sickle cell anaemia (SCA)?
What are the different genotypes of SCA?
Outline the pathogenesis of SCA
How is SCA diagnosed?
How does SCA normally present?
What are the complications of SCA?
Outline the long-term management of SCA
What are the different types of crises in SCA?
What happens in a vaso-occlusive crisis?
What happens in an aplastic crisis?
What happens in a sequestration crisis?
Discuss the general management of a sickle cell crisis
Discuss G6PD deficiency: genetics and presentation
Outline the diagnosis and treatment of G6PD
Discuss pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency
What is hereditary spherocytosis?
Discuss autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
What is the difference between 'warm' and 'cold' autoimmune haemolytic anaemia?
Give different causes of microangiopathic anaemia (mechanical haemolysis due to physical trauma in the circulation)
Describe anaemia screening before surgery