Creado por Suellen Cavalheiro
hace más de 7 años
Digital Technologies
Inbound Marketing
Zero Moment of Truth
Content Marketing
Search Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Buy Side e-Commerce
Sell‑Side e‑Commerce
e-Business (similar Digital Business)
Five types of Sell-Side e-Commerce
Transactional e-Commerce
Services-oriented relationship-building
Publisher or media
Social network sites
Digital Marketing
Paid Media
Earned Media
Owned Media
six types of digital media channels
Multichannel Marketing Strategy [MMS]
Gaining online customers
Web 2.0
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Value chain
Value Network
internal value chain
external value chain
Benefits of Digital Business
[main business drivers]
Risks of Digital Business
Benefits of Online Services
Barriers to Consumer Internet Adoption
Question: Using smartphones or tables while watching TV, the process known as
Question: ------------------- is the coordination of all supply activities of an organisation from its suppliers and delivery of products to its customers.
Question: ------- describes the different value-adding activities that connect a company’s supply side with its demand side
Question: ------------ links between an organisation and its strategic and non‑strategicpartners.
Question: ---------- involves all electronic business transactions between an organisation and its customers.
Question: --------- involves all electronic business transactions between an organisation and its suppliers.
On the Internet, it is often the customer initiates contact and is seeking
information through searching on a website, this is referred to as:
Question: ---- is the capacity to respond to the environmental opportunities and threats.
Online intermediaries
Situation analysis
environmental scanning
Strategic Agility
Click Ecosystem
Online Business Model
Revenue Model:
Online Publisher and Intermediary
Canvas building blocks
Digital Business Infrastructure
Mobile Platforms C0mponents
Management Issues for Digital Strategy
Integrating of different applications through ERP (enterprise resource planning)
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Semantic Web
Software as a Service (SaaS)
macro-environmental forces
different factors that affect how many people actively use the Internet
customers’ online buyer behaviour
Variation in B2B
Ethical issues e-commerce
Identity theft
Gartner Hype Cycle
Rapid variation
different levels of strategy
Failure in Digital Business Strategy
Digital e-Channel Strategies
strategy process model
PSA - Prescriptive strategy approach
ESA - Emergent strategy approach
Resource Analysis
Competitive Threats
Michael Porter (1990)
suppliers tool
EDI (electronic data interchange)
mission and vision
Digital business objectives
SMART Framework
8 key digital business strategic decisions
classic mistakes for
igital business strategy
Digital Business Strategy
Success Factors
Question: is a software application designed for use on a mobile phone, typically downloaded from App stores
Question: applications are software
providing integrated functions for major business functions such as production, distribution, sales, finance and human resources management.
Question: refers to hardware used to provide support for end-user applications which is outsourced and paid for according to level of usage.
Question: refers to the combination of networking and data storage hardware and software hosted externally to a company
Question: refers to the principle of provision of equal access to different Internet services by telecommunications service providers
Question: refers to the misappropriation of the identity of another person without their knowledge or consent
Question: Tailoring e-commerce services for individual countries or regions is referred to
Question: refers to the move towards international trading in a
single global marketplace
Inventory Turnover
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Upstream supply chain
Downstream supply chain
Inbound logistics
Outbound logistics
push models
push oriented
pull model
Value Chain
5 Rights of e-Procurement
manufacturing of products
Operating or non-production related
Eight types of intermediary
e-Procurement strategy
five key drivers or suppliers’ selection criteria for e-Procurement adoption
e-Procurement: Process Efficiency and Strategic Benefits
Digital marketing
Three main operational processes
align digital marketing strategy
with the business strategy
How Do e-Tools Support Marketing?
Feedback Tools
Digital marketing
Inbound Marketing
competitor benchmarking
Strategies for Target Market
Marketing Mix
characteristics of a successful brand
‘6 Is’ of digital marketing
1. Interactivity
2. Intelligence
3. Individualization
4. Integration
5. Industry Restructuring
6. Independence of Location
Marketing objective
Situation analysis
Objective setting
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Customer acquisition
Customer selection
Customer life-cycle
Customer retention
Customer extension
Sales force automation (SFA)
Mass customisation
Social CRM
Customer centric marketing
Customer Engagement
Permission Marketing
Customer Profiling
Conversion marketing
Conversion marketing
Customer Acquisition Management
Social media marketing
Introduction of digital business
Key Change Management Issues
Incremental change
Discontinuous change or transformational change
Business process re-engineering (BPR):
Planning Change
Ad hoc activity
Focussing the effort
Institutionalising capability
Risk Management