Creado por Julie Gholston
hace más de 7 años
1. Which statement best describes the continuing development of the A/G Constitution and Bylaws?
2. Which statement best describes the distinction between the constitution and bylaws?
3. In drafting the Statement of Fundamental Truths, the founders sought to
4. By saying that Jesus was begotten of the Father, we mean that Jesus
5. The Scriptures teach that salvation is received
6. The term sanctification means
7. The term blessed hope is defined as
8. What Scripture passages below are used in support of speaking in tongues as the initial physical evidence of Holy Spirit baptism, in the Statement of Fundamental Truths?
9. Which Bible passage indicates that Spirit baptism is distinct from and subsequent to conversion?
10. The resurrection of the righteous dead and the rapture of living believers are best described in
11. The fact that humanity by voluntary disobedience lost the original relationship with God is expressed in
12. An ordinance of the church is described in
13. Which phrase best describes the nature of a cooperative fellowship?
14. What is the corporate name of the Assemblies of God fellowship?
15. The district council supervises activities that are ecclesial and sacerdotal. The term sacerdotal refers to activities that are
16. The executive presbytery includes a specific number of nonresident members who do not hold individual office. What is their role?
17. What is the relationship between an ethnic language district and a geographic district?
18. Churches that desire to affiliate with the General Council must have pastors who
19. A district indicates that a minister’s credentials are not renewed if the
20. Identify a requirement for renewal of ministerial credentials. The minister must
21. How does the Assemblies of God deal with relatively minor transgressions of approved doctrine or practice?
22. What avenues are open to a minister who feels that he or she has not received justice during the disciplinary process?
23. Which organizational division oversees Benevolences?
24. The General Council Policy Manual satisfies the need to
25. In what ways do the administrative divisions of the Fellowship aid local churches?