The key is to search each area in turn and know what has been searched and not searched.
Information can be stolen through fax,e-mail and mobile phone.
There are 5 types of petrol (Proactive, reactive, direct, controlled and random)
Professionalism is the skill and attitude to do the job in a best way even he feel worst.
Security guard should encounter people as low as they can.
Failure to pass 2 times in NSP renewal exam result will be cancel your licence.
There are 4 types of fire in UAE.
Attending in NSI exam without PSCOD ID card and company ID card will be automatic rejected.
To be found guilty of a crime and accused must be mature, sane and not under duress.
Property of an accident scene is to care injured people first.
Good listening is 50% of effective communication.
Security guard pay 50% of his medical bill.
It is OK to breach client confidently.
PSCOD can often security guard on breaches the rules.
Personal hygiene included department.
Professional security helps to grow the company.
If any detain person doesn't want to help you, most let him go.
Costumer service include be positive and be polite.
Security guard can search a lady bag with her permission.
After complete your notebook you should return it to your company.
PSCOD stands for Private Security Companies Organisation Department.
NSI renewal contains two consecutive days.
Security protects people, property and premises.
Good reports are factual, accurate, complete, concise, clear, correct and well organized.
There are two types of languages (Passive and Aggressive)
Public distance 0-2 feet.
WHMIS stands for Workplace Hazard Material Information System.
Security guard basic salary is 2500 AED in UAE.
Professional security guard always begins encounter as low keys as possible.
Notebook will protect you if you will follow notebook rules.
Deportment includes clothing grooming and equipment.
Failure to pass PSCOD exam two times will be terminated.
Culture offences in UAE are drunk and swearing in public.
Most serious crime in UAE is misdemeanor.
Assembly area is determined location for evacuees meet
There are three types of radio are portable, car and bass radio.
Searches should only be done if suspicious person has a weapon.
Perimeter protection is the fence line around a piece of property.
There are three types of alarms are intrusion, distress and fire alarm.
Notebook is your official memory.
Site order means post order.
Elements of fire system are heat, fuel and oxygen.
Crowd can be dangerous and never try to control alone.
Security guard and citizen have the same basic power of arrest like police in UAE.
A high percentage of bomb threats are false but must be taken seriously.
No mixed gender search unless a serious emergency exit.
The best time to record a note in your notebook as soon as possible after an event.
Security guard always involves in civil law.
A worksite can be dangerous only on construction site.
If you find an explosive or suspicious item you must call 999 at the same time.
In a bank robbery a witness is allowed to get together or discuss with a security guard.
There are two basic duties of security guard are Static and patrol.
A fire scene can be crime scene.
We can use phonetic alphabet while discuss with peoples.
Civil law includes land, property and business law.
PSCOD which is a unit of Abu Dhabi police is not responsible for security.
The NSI notebook should be used by security guard 12 hours while on duty.
Sometimes information in computer are more worth than money.
Deportment means how security guard looks from outside.
You can use portable radio for personal or other use.
A good report contains three parts are beginning, middle and end.
A security guards doesn't have statutory power to search anyone.
Report can be read by anyone expect the public.
In natural disaster like earthquake your radio will always work.
All security guards attending NSI training must be in uniform including citizens.
Evacuation is only for fit people, elder and disabled do it by themselves.
10 general rules for guard are basically guide line for proper behaviour.
Intrusion alarm detects potential attack on something that is being protected.
When security guard activates fire alarm, he should call his supervisor.
Security guard can arrest anyone if have reliable witness and throughly show.
5 types of senses use on patrol are smell, touch, test, hear and visual.
Power of arrest are warrant, reliable witness and red handed.
Formula for emergency numbers in UAE is PAF, P= Police, A= Ambulance, F=Fire defense.
There are three types of crime in UAE are contravention, misdemeanor and felony.
The motto of NSI is Security through Knowledge Security through Education.
A security guard can I write two types of report.
There are 4 conditions to use of force.
Security guard is shield not sword.
Technology that allow the views of number of cameras on one screen is called video splitter.
Touring or walking to a specific area for providing protection is known as patrolling.
The function of NSI is providing basic security guard training.
The careful use of a good judgement in each individual situation to decide how to act is called discretion.
Prejudice comes from Prejudge bias against someone or something because of a personal believes.
Stereotyping is an individual behaviour that makes assumptions about specific people or cultures as a group.
Discrimination is treating some people different from other on the basis of race, religion, gender or other ethnic.
Don't let a non security task distract you from providing good security but always consider that it is good customer service if you can safely to do so.
Access control is controlling the movement of peoples, vehicles, materials and information in and out of a site.
Security guard cannot carry any type of weapon unless authorised by company and approved by PSCOD.
If you building been evacuated, you should only be re-entered if an emergency official tells you it is safe to do so.
If a person approaches you he says he is PSCOD inspector and without uniform, you must ask him to show his ID.
A book is one of the most important tools for security guard it is used to record information that is valuable and document the important part of your duty.
Evidence is anything that is factually based and can be used to assist someone coming to a conclusion or judgement.
Effective communication is a skill or being able to give someone the right message in the wrong way to ensure that it is understand as intended.