Creado por Mia Li
hace casi 7 años
All connections present at birth are meaningful.
Muscles more proximal are described more ________.
Sensory afferents go to the (same muscle/ same location) after they are scrambled.
Developing neurons have specialized axon endings that seek targets for synapse formation called _________.
On the picture of a growing neuron, the green suggests _______ while the red tip suggest _______.
The flattened end of a growing filopodium is called a __________.
The blue stems where the red actins attach to are _________.
Label the following structures on Purves 23.3 c)
Label the four types of movement forces happening at a growth cone.
Different types of sensory neurons growing into the dorsal horn of spinal cord find their targets based on ________.
T/F: After initial development, a muscle fiber may receive input from multiple motor axons.
T/F: some muscle fibers retain multiple motor axons throughout a lifetime.
The more active axon will send _______ to its own synapse and another _______ signal to other synapses.
_______ gets to the stronger axon while ______ gets to the weaker axon.
A tutor giving the learner a template to follow, and possibly feedback about their performance is called ______.
No tutor, the learner explores environment without feedback is called _____.
What are the three stages of birds learning to sing?
The two most involved cortex areas are ______ and _______.
T/F: the synapses are plastic and free to change.
The starting point of development is called _________
The window of development is called _____ or ________ when the synaptic plasticity is best accessed by experience.
T/F: if external stimulation is not availabel during critical periods, the organism may have to constantly relearn things.
The study of cat eye monocular deprivation is an example of
The cellular level hypothesis of monocular deprivation is
T/F: Producing another input that are highly correlated can induce ocular dominance.