Creado por Justin Smith
hace casi 7 años
Which one of the following is one of the three domains of life?
a. Animalia
b. Protisita
c. Plantae
d. Bacteria
Who was responsible for developing the theory of natural selection?
a. Darwin
b. Gould
c. Jennings
d. Lamarck
Which of the following is the definition for natural selection?
a. Evolution of man
b. Differential reproductive success due to interactions with the environment
c. Overproduction of and individual variation in a population
d. Selective breeding of organisms by humans
Which of the following is not a component of the scientific method?
a. Observation
b. Hypothesis
c. Experiment
d. Inductive reasoning
What is a scientific theory?
a. It is a hypothesis.
b. It is a scientific law.
c. It is a way of knowing.
d. It is a widely accepted explanation supported by a large body of evidence.
What properties do all living organisms share?
List the levels of life. Which level is the smallest. Which level is the largest?
_______ is the branch of biology that deals with relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
An _______ consists of all living organisms in a particular area and all the non-living components of the environment with which life interacts, such as soil, water and light.
_______ _______ is the process in which organisms with certain inherited characteristics are more likely to survive and reproduce than are organisms with other characteristics.
_______ cells are larger, more complex, and contain a nucleus and other membrane enclosed compartments.
_______ cells are smaller, more simple, and lack a nucleus with other compartments bound by internal membranes.
What two processes does an ecosystem depend on for survival?
_______ _______ is the process in which organisms with certain inherited characteristics are more likely to survive and reproduce than are organisms with other characteristics.
_______ _______ is the selective breeding of domesticated plants and animals to promote the occurrence of desirable traits in the offspring.
_______ is an approach to understanding the natural world that is based on inquiry - a search for information, explanations and answers to specific questions.
Scientific investigation involving the observation of phenomena, the formulation of a hypothesis, concerning the phenomena, experimentation to demonstrate the truth of falseness of the hypothesis, and results that validate or modify the hypothesis?
What are the components of the scientific method?
What is the difference between a control group and an experimental group?
Why is it important to have a control group in an experiment?
_______ _______ is the process of scientific inquiry that focuses on using observations to describe nature.
_______ - driven science is the search for a tentative explanation that a scientist proposes for a specific phenomenon that has been observed.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of all living organisms?
a. capable of self-reproduction
b. composed of multiple cells
c. complex yet organized
d. uses energy
Place the following levels of biological organization in order from smallest to largest:
What is the smallest level of biological organization capable of demonstrating all of the characteristics of life?
Plants use the process of _______ to convert the energy in sunlight to _______ energy in the form of sugar.
During the process of photosynthesis plants consume _______ _______ and _______ and release _______.
A foot-tall organism capable of producing it's own food from sunlight would most likely be a part of what domain and/or kingdom?
A microscopic, simple, nucleus-free organism found living in a riverbed would most likely be a part of what domain and/or kingdom?
An inch-tall organism growing on the forest floor that consumes material from dead leaves would most likely be a part of what domain and/or kingdom?
A thimble-sized organism that feeds on algae growing in a pond would most likely be a part of what domain and/or kingdom?
Which of the following statements best describes the logic of the scientific method?
a. If I generate a testable hypothesis, tests and observations will support it.
b. If my prediction is correct, it will lead to a testable hypothesis.
c. If my observations are accurate, they will support my hypothesis.
d. If my hypothesis is correct, I can expect certain test results.
Which of the following statements best distinguishes hypotheses from theories in science?
a. Theories are hypotheses that have been proved.
b. Hypotheses are tentative guesses; theories are correct answers to questions about nature.
c. Hypotheses usually are narrow in scope; theories have broad explanatory power.
d. Hypotheses and theories mean essentially the same thing in science.
Unequal reproductive success?
Descent with modification?
A testable idea?
All life-supporting environments on Earth?
What is the scientific study of life?
_______ is structured on a size scale ranging from the molecular to the global.
The _______ is the lowest level of structure that can perform all activities required for life.
All organisms are composed of _______.
All cells use _______ as the chemical material of genes.
_______ are the units of inheritance that transmit information from parents to offspring.
The language of DNA contains what four letters?
A, G, C and T are all _______.
_______ engineering and _______ have allowed us to manipulate the DNA and genes of organisms.
Each _______ interacts continuously with it's environment.
The dynamics of any ecosystem depend of what two processes?
_______ is the hallmark of life.
The species that are currently alive on Earth currently only represent about ___% of the species that have ever lived on Earth.
The domain _______ and domain _______ both consist of cells that are entirely prokaryotic.
Domain _______ consists of cells that are eukaryotic.
What four kingdoms fall under the domain eukarya?
If you want to understand biology, you must also understand _______.
_______ is organized from the very small to the very large.
Each different level within the hierarchy of life is called a _______.
The history of the scientific method begins with which ancient Greek philosopher?
Abu Ali al-Hasa developed what we know as _______ and _______.
Who used practical testing to answer questions in scientific method?
Variable in applying the scientific method that you change?
Variable in applying the scientific method that results from independent variable?
Action of independent variable?
Everything in experiment using the scientific method that is kept the same?