Creado por Calli Ware
hace alrededor de 7 años
How did people explain bad behavior "back in the day"?
Spiritualism Explanations
What is wrong with spiritual explanations?
The Classical School
Cesare Beccaria
Social Contract
Principles of Becarria
Two Types of Deterrence
Two Types of Deterrence
* General *
Two Types of Deterrence
* Specific *
Three Elements of Deterrence
Three Elements of Deterrence
* Swift *
Three Elements of Deterrence
* Certain *
Three Elements of Deterrence
* Severe *
The Positive School
Johann Layater & Physiognomy
Franz Joseph Gall & Phrenology
Lombroso's Positive School
Lombroso's Atavistic
Lombroso's Atavistic Individuals
Lombroso's Four Classifications of Criminals
Lombroso's Four Classifications of Criminals
* Born Criminal *
Lombroso's Four Classifications of Criminals
* Insane Criminal *
Lombroso's Four Classifications of Criminals
* Occasional Criminal *
Lombroso's Four Classifications of Criminals
* Criminals of Passion *
Lombroso's Lasting Legact
Italian Criminological Tradition
Enrico Ferri & Habitual Criminal
& Interactive Effects
Enrico Ferri & Habitual Criminal & Interactive Effects
Raffaele Garofalo &
Raffaele Garofalo &
Other Early Studies
Goring & English Convicts
Kretschmer Three Body Types
Kretschmer Three Body Types
* Asthenic *
Kretschmer Three Body Types
* Athletic *
Kretschmer Three Body Types
* Pyknic *
William Sheldon & Somatotyping
Williem Sheldon & Somatotyping
* Endomorphic *
William Sheldon & Somatotyping
* Mesomorph *
William Sheldon & Somatotyping
* Ectomorph *
Frued Id/ Ego/ Superego
Frued Id/ Ego/ Superego
* Id*
Frued Id/ Ego/ Superego
* Ego*
Frued Id/ Ego/ Superego
* Superego
Major Family Studies
Dugdale & Jukes
Family Study
Goddard & Kalikaks
Family Study
IQ Studies
Alfred Binet & Changeable IQ
Goddard & Innate IQ
Policy Implications