You'll fall!
you fall!
Lo faccio io
I do it
I'll do it
Ti strozzo!
I'm strangling you!
I'll strangle you!
Ti aiuto?
Shall I help you?
Could I help you?
Mi fai un caffé?
Will you make me a coffee?
Could you make me a coffee?
La macchina non parte.
The car won't start
The car doesn't start
Quell'albero cade
That tree is falling
That tree will fall
A momenti piove
It's going to rain
It will rain
Parto domani
I'm leaving tomorrow
I will leave tomorrow
Se lo scopre t'ammazza
if he finds out, he'll kill you
If he finds out, he kill you
Domani lavoro
I'll be working tomorrow
tomorrow I'll work
Domani compie un anno
Tomorrow he'll be one
tomorrow he'll one
Allora ci vado io
So, I'll go
So, I go