Lauren Schaffer
Test por , creado hace más de 1 año

Promoting young children's growth and development #22-68

Lauren Schaffer
Creado por Lauren Schaffer hace alrededor de 7 años

OAE 013 - Special Education pt. 2

Pregunta 1 de 47


When considering which environment is best for providing services fora young child with disabilities on an IFSP, it is important to

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • ascertain what resources in the community have been developed specifically for young children with this disability

  • determine which goals can be best addressed through the child's typical routines and activities

  • identify which is the most convenient location for service providers to meet with the child, and arrange a family visit.

  • establish the family's willingness and ability to participate in home visits


Pregunta 2 de 47


A kindergarten teacher and an early childhood special ed teacher will be co teaching a class of diverse learners including two children with behavioral disabilities. The teachers want to design a learning environment that will promote a feeling of competence and active participating for all children in the class. Which of the following plans would be the most effective for achieving this goal?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • arranging for children with academic and behavioral issues to work at a slower, more comfortable pace

  • creating clear and consistent classroom schedules and routines in order to impart a sense of security and reliability

  • organizing small cooperative groups of children who span the academic spectrum in order to promote a sense of equality

  • establishing a hand signal that each child can use to leave the class when they feel tired or overwhelmed


Pregunta 3 de 47


A kindergarten gen ed teacher is concerned about Ira, a child with an intellectual disability who is consistently interrupting and disturbing other children during math centers. Ira has been observed walking around the class, throwing things, poking children, and refusing to complete center activities. the teacher has been implementing the academic modifications and accommodations outlined in Ira's IEP, and has been working closely with his paraprofessional, but Ira's behaviors continue to occur daily. Which of the following steps should be the special ed teacher take FIRST to address the situation?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • conducting a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) with the IEP team

  • observing Ira working on math assignments i the resource room for several weeks

  • reconvening the IEP team to discuss increasing special ed services during math centers

  • creating a behavior intervention plan (BIP), with input from Ira's parents and kindergarten teacher.


Pregunta 4 de 47


A special ed teacher and a gen ed teacher co teach a kindergarten class that includes several children with disabilities. At the beginning of the school year, the teachers tell the class that they want to communicate important information, one of the teachers will say "one, two, three, eyes on me." and then wait for the children to respond "one, two, eyes on you" the primary purpose of this strategy is to

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • foster a collaborative learning community

  • teach children to focus and pay attentio

  • model how to follow classroom rules

  • promote receptive communication skills


Pregunta 5 de 47


Josiah, a five year old with an emotional impairment is placed in a co-taught kindergarten class. Transitions hbetween activities are difficult for Josiah. He often reacts to them angrily, yelling or crying and refusing to stop what he is doing. Josiah's special ed teacher has been helping him develop effective transitioning skills, and the parents have been reinforcing these skills at home. Which of the following additional strategies would likely be most effective for the early childhood special education teacher to use to help Josiah with this issue?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • permitting Josiah to choose between activities when he transitions

  • establishing a cue to alert Josiah a few minutes before transition times

  • reminding Josiah each morning that he should expect transitions throughout the day

  • imposing negative consequences whenever Josiah resists making transitions


Pregunta 6 de 47


Arni is a kindergarten student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who is having difficulty adjusting to transition times during the school day. Which of the following strategies would be the most effective to help Arni handle transitions?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • providing arni with the day’s schedule simply laid out in a picture format that he can check off when each activity ends.

  • handing arni a picture that represents the next activity that he will be transitioning to

  • tapping arni on the arm and pointing out the various preparations his classmates are taking to move on to the next activity

  • establishing with arni that the teacher will ring a bell when it is time to transition to each activity


Pregunta 7 de 47


The most appropriate use of a functional behavior assessment (FBA) would be to:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • create a record of the child’s behavior to have on file

  • determine the intended purpose of a child’s behavior

  • identify natural consequences to address a child’s behavior

  • monitor whether a child’s behavior is improving


Pregunta 8 de 47


Teachers who have a goal of developing and supporting a sense of achievement and competence among diverse groups of children should begin by considering which of the following questions?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • do I allow differences in culture, language, and behavior to shape my perceptions about children’s motivation and ability to learn?

  • how frequently do I interact with individual children to make sure that I am meeting their learning needs?

  • am I consistent in providing an equal amount of time to each child, regardless of ability, language, and behavior?

  • have I clearly communicated my belief that the children are capable of mastering the targeted concepts and skills?


Pregunta 9 de 47


Which of the following would be a factor to consider when creating an appropriate guidance and socialization environment for preschool children?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • developing a caring community of learners

  • providing an adult-guided experience for all children

  • ensuring that the children can recite the expected learning goal for each activity

  • focusing the activities on keeping the children in their work areas


Pregunta 10 de 47


Three children who are English language learners (ELLs) will soon be joining Ms. Summer’s prekindergarten special ed class. The children are identified as developmentally delayed. Ms. Summers takes several steps in preparation for the children’s arrival. She begins learning key phrases in the children’s first language that will be relevant to their needs and activities at school. She also creates labels in their first language to place beside the English labels posted around the room, and she acquires books in the children’s first language for the classroom library. Ms. Summer’s actions best reflect an awareness of the principle that:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • ELL’s continued development in their first language supports their acquisition of English

  • ELL’s understanding of academic concepts in their first language leads to proficiency in academic English.

  • authentic experiences with multiple languages promote all children’s ability to communicate more effectively

  • authentic experiences with multicultural materials facilitate all children’s active engagement in learning


Pregunta 11 de 47


A special ed teacher has been teaching a 2nd grade student strategies for reducing the child’s negative language towards others. Which of the following would be the most appropriate feedback for the teacher to give the child on a day when the child has used the strategies successfully?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • “I am very happy with your improvement in communicating appropriately with others.”

  • “even though today you didn’t yell or use words that don’t belong in school, it’s still one of your daily goals”

  • "your parents will be so proud that you’ve been good today and that you remembered to be nice to your friends”

  • “I noticed that you remembered to take a deep breath and speak calmly to your friend when you didn’t want to play anymore”


Pregunta 12 de 47


Which of the following scenarios describes a child who is developing a sense of autonomy?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • the parents of a 3 year old wait before responding to her cries after she spills milk on her clothes

  • 5 year old Jackson follows his friend Jennifer around the classroom, choosing all activities she chooses

  • a preschooler teacher listens as 4 year old James explains that he is upset because the block center is closed today

  • 4 year old Marcee carries her blanket to school every day and rests it in her lap during center activities


Pregunta 13 de 47


Clancy is 4 years old and has a developmental disability. The preschool teacher notices that anytime she asks Clancy a questions such as “would you like to play in the water area?”, Clancy always responds with “no”. Clancy also becomes easily overwhelmed with the many varieties of activities in the classroom. He typically sits alone, unsure of what to do next. Which of the following strategies should the teacher use to encourage Clancy to engage in classroom activities?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • giving Clancy directions such as, “I think it’s time for you to play in the block center”

  • allowing Clancy to stay at one special area throughout independent center time

  • offering Clancy a choice such as, “which center would you like to do now? The paint or block center?”

  • providing Clancy time to begin to pursue his own interests at his own pace


Pregunta 14 de 47


A kindergarten student with down syndrome has begun sweeping objects off his desk and any other surface he passes and then laughing. When his early childhood special ed teacher asks why he is doing this, the child replies, “it is funny.”. The teacher has explained verbally and through the use of a social story book why this behavior is not appropriate. Which of the following strategies would be most effective for his teacher to use next?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • communicating that the child must pick up the objects himself and cannot move on to a preferred activity until it is done

  • modeling picking up the objects for him and having a co worker comment on how much better they look where they belong

  • monitoring the child’s arms, hands, and general manner to avoid the situation before it occurs

  • arranging a lunch group with several staff and peers to discuss how everyone feels when personal things are pushed onto the floor


Pregunta 15 de 47


Bobby is a 7 year old enrolled in 2nd grade. He speaks clearly and has a large vocabulary compared to his peers. Bobby has difficulty relating information in conversation (e.g. turn taking), telling stories in a sequential manner, and interpreting nonverbal cues during conversation. Which of the following intervention strategies would be most effective for addressing Bobby’s pragmatic communication skills?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • using social stories and scripts to practice in responses during peer interactions

  • teaching concentration skills, the following of rules, self-management, and organizational skills

  • employing linguistic-scaffolding techniques to ensure that Bobby has a way to appropriately express his needs and wants

  • teach turn taking through board games, hitting a balloon back and forth, telephone conversations, or bouncing a ball back and forth


Pregunta 16 de 47


Sara is a 3 year old who attends an inclusive preschool class that is co taught by a gen ed teacher and a special ed teacher. She has good receptive language but very little expressive speech and is often misunderstood by others. The speech language pathologist has recommended that Sara use a low tech picture board to help her make choices in addition to using speech. Which of the following situations would be the best time for the teachers to begin to incorporate the AAC system into Sara’s school day.

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • while singing songs in morning meeting

  • while playing at recess with her friends

  • during snack time in the classroom

  • during free play right after she arrives at school


Pregunta 17 de 47


Mr. Long, an early childhood special ed teacher, works with Ms. Smith and her sixth month old daughter Melanie, who is developmentally delayed. Mr. Long has a goal of promoting the development of a healthy emotional attachment between Melanie and her mother. Which of the following strategies would best support this goal?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • showing Ms. Smith ways to create a visually stimulating environment for Melanie

  • encouraging Ms. Smith to quickly respond to Melanie’s cues for various needs, such as comfort

  • modeling to Ms. Smith playful ways to interact with Melanie, such as a game of peekaboo

  • recommending to Ms. Smith a variety of high-interest toys for Melanie to choose from


Pregunta 18 de 47


At the beginning of the school year, a third grade teacher administers a whole class reading comprehension assessment in which children read a grade-level narrative text and then retell the story in writing. Children may draw pictures or create other graphic organizers to support their re-telling. The primary DISADVANTAGE of using this assessment for diagnostic purposes is that:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • the teacher will likely use the results to compare children’s skills and plan flexible homogenous groupings for instruction

  • the results are not likely to provide reliable comprehension evidence for children who read significantly above or below grade level

  • children who do not understand basic story structure will likely have difficulty identifying main events and details in a narrative text

  • the written format of the test will likely prohibit children with weak composition skills from demonstrating their comprehension of the text


Pregunta 19 de 47


What should special education teachers keep in mind when conducting language-development evaluations for children from linguistically and diverse backgrounds?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • translation of norm-referenced assessments into the child’s dominant language is considered best practice

  • language assessments are free from bias because linguistic differences are independent of race, class, ethnicity, and culture

  • children from diverse backgrounds might assign different meaning and importance to words presented during language assessments

  • children from bilingual families should receive assessments at a younger age because they generally begin talking earlier than children from monolingual families


Pregunta 20 de 47


A preschool special ed teacher would like to improve children’s auditory processing skills during morning circle time. Which of the following strategies would best promote this goal?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • incorporating activities that require active listening comprehension (e.g. identifying the sources of various sounds, identifying rhyming or non-rhyming words)

  • reminding children to use their “good listening ears” whenever verbal information is about to be presented

  • presenting challenging language concepts (e.g. yesterday, next week) that require children to listen attentively in order to determine the meaning

  • providing children with frequent verbal reminders to take turns and listen to one another during circle time discussions


Pregunta 21 de 47


An early childhood special ed teacher overhears a 4 year old say to a friend “lets play with the little mouses in the block corner”. Which of the following responses to this statement would be most appropriate for the teacher to make in this situation?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • “There are toy mice in the block corner”

  • “When you have more than one mouse, they are called mice”

  • “Have fun playing with the mice in the block corner”

  • “You can choose between playing with one mouse or with several mice”


Pregunta 22 de 47


A kindergarten student with cerebral palsy communicates primarily through the use of a digital communication board. The board contains spaces for up to 12 pictures that can be easily removed or changed. At the beginning of the school year, the special ed and the child show the child’s other teachers and classmates how to use the board to communicate with the child. Which of the following additional steps would be most important for the special educator to take in helping ensure that the child is able to communicate effectively throughout the school year?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • double the size of the child’s communication board so that it can hold a greater number of pictures at a time

  • pair the child with a peer who can use the child’s communication board and can act as an interpreter as needed

  • ensure that pictures on the child’s communication board are updated as necessary to represent changing wants and needs

  • arrange for a one-on-one aide who can encourage the child to interact with others by using the communication board


Pregunta 23 de 47


Research suggests that children with an expressive language delay in a preschool classroom differ significantly from their typical same-age peers in their ability to:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • follow a teacher’s two step directions

  • engage in functional play

  • participate in show-and-tell activities

  • understand and enjoy group read alouds


Pregunta 24 de 47


Alexandra is a six year old kindergartener with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. She is verbal but has difficulty connecting with other children socially. Every day at recess, she plays alone in the sandbox moving a truck back and forth of her. The special education teacher would like to teach Alexandra how to ask other children if they would like to play with her. Which of the following instructional strategies would likely be most effective for helping Alexandra learn this skill?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • explaining to Alexandra that she cannot make any friends if she sits by herself in the sandbox

  • role-playing a conversation with Alexandra about asking a friend to play

  • giving Alexandra a special sticker every time she asks a friend to play at recess

  • showing Alexandra a video of children talking and playing together


Pregunta 25 de 47


A 1st grade student with a visual impairment draws a picture than ask the special ed teacher to write a story below it, which the child begins to dictate. These actions are typical of a child who has developed which of the following concepts of print?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • recognizing sentence representations in print

  • understanding how to track print in connected text

  • recognizing the directionality of print

  • understanding the function of print


Pregunta 26 de 47


Which of the following actions by a kindergarten teacher would most likely support development of children’s emergent writing skills?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • posting a weekly list of simple spelling words

  • marking corrections on children’s written work

  • explaining basic rules of punctuation to children

  • providing many examples of print in the classroom


Pregunta 27 de 47


A prekindergarten special ed teacher says a common rime (e.g., -op) to a small group of children and then says a word that contains the rime (e.g., hop). The teacher then asks the children to generate more words based on this model. The teacher repeats this procedure with several common rimes and notices that one child in the group is able to repeat only the modeled words each time. The teacher could best differentiate the lesson for this child by first focusing on which of the following skills?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • recognizing when pairs of spoken words sound alike or different

  • blending a series of separate phonemes to form familiar words

  • recognizing a shared letter in a pair of words that sound different

  • segmenting a series of simple words into separate phonemes


Pregunta 28 de 47


In an informal screening assessment, a 3rd grade student reads aloud an unfamiliar grade-level passage and scores significantly below the grade-level bench mark for oral reading fluency. When evaluating the child’s performance and the underlying cause of the child’s difficulty, which of the following questions should the special education teacher consider first?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • did the child consistently read the passage naturally and expressively?

  • has the child developed adequate decoding skills to read a text at this level?

  • did the child appear to be at ease and engaged with the text while reading?

  • does the child have the background knowledge needed to understand the passage?


Pregunta 29 de 47


The parents of Anika, a five year old with an intellectual disability, consulted her early childhood special ed teacher about teaching Anika how to independently put on her own snow clothes. They had Anika practice by following a linear picture chart and dressing her doll in snow clothes similar to her own. Despite this practice, Anika is not able to independently put on her snow clothes. Her teacher understands that Anika most likely:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • would be more interested in learning to dress herself if paired with a peer mentor

  • finds it easier to have her parents dress her as they always have done

  • has difficulty transferring the skill of dressing her doll correctly to dressing herself

  • cannot follow a linear sequence of a picture chart format


Pregunta 30 de 47


A special ed teacher is teaching a 6 year old with autism to independently wash his hands each time after using the bathroom. Which of the following instructional activities should be the special ed teacher integrate into the curriculum to address this skill?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • showing a video during recess that presents children washing their hands after coming out of the bathroom

  • planning a drawing activity as part of art class that involves various life skills that need to be reinforced

  • implementing a whole-group writing activity around this topic that involves the class in the learning process

  • creating a social story to read with the child that provides clear expectations and a visual sequence


Pregunta 31 de 47


Fiona, a prekindergarten student with a developmental delay, eats all her food with her fingers. Her early childhood special ed teacher would idk to begin instruction for her to learn to use utensils when eating. The teacher contacts her parents to coordinate teaching and using this skill at school and home. Fiona's parents feel this skill will be too difficult for her, and they don't have time during meals to help her. This situation most closely reflects reflects which of the following conclusions?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • parents/guardians often view skills learned at school as separate and disconnected from those learned at home

  • adaptive skills taught at school should reflect only those skills that can be practiced with parents/guardians at home

  • parents/guardians expectations may affect the growth of adaptive skills in young children with disabilities

  • adaptive skills curriculum should not take precedence over academic curriculum unless agreed upon by parents/guardians


Pregunta 32 de 47


A child with short-term memory deficits would likely have the most difficulty with which of the following tasks?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • reciting the alphabet

  • self-correcting work

  • following multistep oral directions

  • recognizing sight words


Pregunta 33 de 47


An early childhood education teacher plans activities to promote the cognitive development of Anna, a 9 month old with a developmental delay. The teacher would like to specifically focus on Anna's understanding of cause and effect. Which of the following activities is most appropriate for this goal?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • reading a boar book that includes vivid images to Anna

  • singing familiar songs with rhyming words to Anna

  • encouraging Anna to shake various rattles

  • encouraging anna to touch a variety of textured materials


Pregunta 34 de 47


An early childhood education teacher is working with a 5 year old with an intellectual disability. Which of the following activities would be most effective for promoting the development of this child's cognitive skills?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • stringing large beads onto a shoelace

  • sorting buttons according to color, shape, or size

  • creating shapes with modeling clay

  • playing follow-the-leader through an obstacle course


Pregunta 35 de 47


A preschool special ed teacher is introducing the concept of patterns to a group of 4 year olds. Which of the following would be an effective activity to introduce the concept of patterns?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • having the children line up and then count off "one, two, three" and so on

  • introducing a movement game such as "clap, stomp, jump;clap, stomp, jump"

  • placing numbered cards on a table and having them put them in numerical order

  • putting out different size blocks and asking them to put them in order by height


Pregunta 36 de 47


Mr. Carlton is a special ed teacher who works in an elementary school resource room. He teaches a mathematics class of five 3rd grade students. Mr. Carlton is working on reinforcing adding and subtracting skills using play money. He creates a mini store in the classroom and has children take turns making purchases by counting out the play money and being the cashier by making change. This situation best describes which of the following types of assessment?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • criterion-referenced

  • portfolio

  • authentic

  • curriculum-based


Pregunta 37 de 47


An early childhood special ed teacher is using a criterion-referenced test to evaluate the academic performance of a kindergarten student. This type of assessment would be most useful for:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • monitoring the child's ability to remain on task while taking a timed assessment

  • measuring the child's ability to apply the information and skills that have been taught

  • comparing the child's performance to that of other kindergarten students

  • determining the child's cognitive ability and current learning strengths and needs


Pregunta 38 de 47


A special ed teacher is preparing to conduct an evaluation of a kindergarten student who has fragile X syndrome. An adaptive behavior assessment would provide the teacher with information about:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • effective classroom management strategies to use with the child

  • the child's ability to learn using assistive technology

  • the child's abilities with daily living and social skills

  • appropriate arrangements of the physical environment for the child


Pregunta 39 de 47


An early childhood educator plans developmentally appropriate activities to promote knowledge of basic social studies concepts in a program that serves children ages 12-18 months. Which of the following children's activities are most appropriate for this goal?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • drawing pictures of various landscapes to gain an understanding of geography

  • creating personal photo albums to depict their family and neighborhood

  • making maps of the town to gain an understanding of location and community

  • visiting a variety of businesses to develop an understanding of the world around them


Pregunta 40 de 47


A prekindergarten student recognizes that there are seven words in the spoken sentence "the bird flies high in the sky". The child is demonstrating:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • print awareness

  • letter-sound correspondence

  • phonological awareness

  • oral language fluency


Pregunta 41 de 47


Every morning, Mr. Harris, a preschool special ed teacher, reads aloud a short story. On this day, after reading "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", Mr Harris provides the children with a drum, tambourine, and a wooden flute. As he retells the story, Mr. Harris pauses strategically for children to add musical accompaniment. At the conclusion of the story retell, he encourages the children to perform the story in the drama center using the instruments and their own dialog. Embedding music into the literacy lesson is likely to be most effective in achieving which of the following goals?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • supporting children's acquisition of beginning reading comprehension skills

  • increasing the likllihood that children will play a musical instrument in the future

  • promoting the benefit of both reading and writing music

  • assessing children's advanced phonemic awareness skills


Pregunta 42 de 47


Taran is a 4 year old with down syndrome. He is very social and enjoys music and dance. Which of the following is the most appropriate musical activity for promoting Taran's cognitive development?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • providing him with time every day to listen to his favorite CD

  • encouraging him to free-style dance to music in the movement room

  • supporting his use and exploration of variety of musical instruments

  • arranging for him to sit in on some music classes in the upper grades


Pregunta 43 de 47


The children in a preschool class enjoy marching to music, and their teacher has collected a number of classical recordings that include musical tracks for marching. Which of the following mathematical concepts would be best reinforced by this type of music and movement activity?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • one-to-one correspondence

  • greater than and less than

  • part-to-whole relationships

  • seriation and ordering


Pregunta 44 de 47


The parents of a 7 year old girl have expressed concern to her 2nd grade teacher that their daughter claims stairs using two feet on each step, shows frustrations during transitions from one activity to another, does not use the computer keyboard, and sometimes stutters when under stress. Which of these developmental traits is atypical for a child this age?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • two-feet stair climb

  • transition frustration

  • lack of keyboard use

  • stress-induced stuttering


Pregunta 45 de 47


An early childhood special educator is working with a small group of preschoolers. The teacher has various activities planned in centers around the room. In one area is an art center, which encourages the use of clay, paper, pencils, and crayons; in another, children will sort colored buttons in egg cartons; in the music center, children can perform songs with finger puppets; the kitchen center includes place settings and cooking utensils. the teacher is primarily targeting the development of which of the follow skills?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • numeracy skills

  • cognitive skills

  • fine-motor skills

  • early literacy skills


Pregunta 46 de 47


Felix is a 5 year old preschooler with an orthopedic impairment that affects the coordination of both gross motor and fine motor skills. He has difficulty with throwing and catching balls and other objects. His early childhood special education teacher would like to make it easier for Felix to develop these skills safely so he can participate more with classmates on the playground. Which of the following strategies would be most effective for achieving this goal?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • tossing small bean bags into a board with multiple openings

  • using ball and mitt with velcro attachments

  • moving further and further away when throwing a ball

  • throwing underhand instead of overhand


Pregunta 47 de 47


Mario is a first grade student who has Duchenne muscular dystrophy and uses braces to help him walk. The classroom teacher asks the special ed teacher for advice on the most appropriate way for Mario to participate in recess activities. The special ed teacher should recommend that Mario:

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • interact with other children during recess through playing a game such as walking tag or swinging on wings

  • spend time at recess with other children and his physical therapist on strengthening activities such as jumping

  • play games such as dominoes or chess with a different child each day during recess

  • participate with other children in any recess activities in which he shows interest with the supervision of his paraeducator
