Creado por Tara McLaughlin
hace más de 6 años
What type of lining can be found on the pharyngeal arch?
What type of lining can be found on the pharyngeal pouches?
What cranial nerve is associated with pharyngeal arch one?
What cranial nerve is associated with pharyngeal arch two?
What cranial nerve is associated with pharyngeal arch three?
What cranial nerve is associated with pharyngeal arch four-six?
Which pharyngeal arch is associated with forming the maxillary and mandibular processes?
What does the first pharyngeal pouch give rise to?
What does the second pharyngeal pouch give rise to?
What does the third pharyngeal pouch give rise to?
What does the fourth pharyngeal pouch give rise to?
Which pharyngeal cleft gives rise to the external auditory meatus?
What does the lateral lingual swellings and the medial swelling give rise to?
What is the swelling called that merges with swellings from the third and fourth pharyngeal arches to form the posterior third of the tongue?
How many facial prominences are there?
Invagination of the nasal pit will eventually give what structure?
Which swellings will eventually form the bridge and septum of the nose?
The upper lip is formed from which two structures?
What will the lateral nasal swellings form?
What swellings form the intermaxillary segment?
What are the three components that the intermaxillary segments form?
Which structure, derived from the intermaxillary segment, carries the upper four incisors?
What are the outgrowths from the maxillary prominences that give rise to the secondary palate?
What week to the palatine shelves start to grow inferiorly?
What is hypothesised to be the reason the palatine shelves rotate?
What landmark distinguishes the primary palate from the secondary palate?
What prominences lowers to give more room in the oral cavity allowing the palatine shelves to rotate?