What is the equation that links: kinetic energy, mass, velocity?
What are the two equations for power?
What is meant by the term 'efficiency' ?
What is the equation for 'efficiency' ?
What is the 'National grid' and what are the 5 stages to the process?
What is current?
What is the unit for 'potential difference'?
What is the unit for resistance?
What is the equation that links current, charge flow, and time?
What is the equation for resistance?
What is DC?
What is AC?
Mains electricity
What colour is the 'live wire'?
Mains electricity
Which wire is the colour 'blue' ?
Mains electricity
What is colour is the earth wire?
Mains electricity
what is the use of the 'live wire' ?
Mains electricity
What is the use of the 'neutral wire' ?
Mains electricity
What is the use of the 'earth wire' ?
What is the equation for density?
What is 'specific heat capacity' ?
What is the equation for SHC?
What is specific latent heat of fusion?
What is specific latent heat of vaporisation?
What is the equation for SLH of vaporisation?
What increases the electrons distance from the nucleus?
What decreases the electrons distance from the nucleus?
What is a alpha particle?
What is a beta particle?
What is gamma ray?
What is alpha decay?
What is bata decay?
What is gamma decay?
What is half-life?
What is contamination?
What is irradiation?