Creado por ellanabishop
hace casi 12 años
what is hard engineering?
what is soft engineering?
where is an example of a stump and a stack?
why can't caves and arches be seen n maps?
what do stacks look like on maps?
how are cliffs and over steep slopes shown on a map?
how are wave cut platforms shown on maps?
how are wave cut platforms shown on maps?
what are the 3 main factors for protecting coastlines?
name 3 economical factors as to why to protect a coastline
name 3 social factors of why to protect a coastline
name 2 environmental factors why to protect a coastline
what does SSSIs stand for?
what is longshore drift?
which way do the waves go?
swash hits the coastline at an...
the backwash the travels back into the sea at...
what is traction?
what is saltation?
what is suspension?
what is solution?
what is deposition?
how do coasts build up?
2 ways the amount of deposition along the coast is increased
name one characteristic of low energy waves..
what are constructive waves?
what are coastlines called that a built up by constructive waves?
name 5 characteristics of constructive waves?
how are beaches formed?
where are beaches found?
what wave are beaches formed by?
name 2 characteristics of sand beaches?
name 2 characteristics of shingle beaches?
what is a spit?
what is a bar?
5 things about spits
3 things about a bar?
whats a bar called that connects the shore to an island(often a stack)?
cliffs retreat as a result of...
where do waves cause most erosion?
describe how a wave cut notch is formed.
name two things the rate of retreat depends on...
what is mass movements?
when does it happen?
name the 3 different types of mass movements
what happens in a slide?
what happens in a slump?
what happens in a rockfall?
how are headlands and bays formed?
give an example of resistant rock and what land form is created
give an example of a less resistant rock and what landform is created?
which two erosion methods cause cracks to enlarge in a headland?
how is an arch formed?
how is a stack formed?
how is a stump formed?
how are coves formed?
what is a cove?
what is weathering?
what is erosion?
what is mechanical weathering+example
what are the 5 main stages of the freeze thaw weathering method?
what is chemical weathering and example
what are the two steps of carbonation weathering?
what is hydraulic action?
what is corrasion?
what is Attrition?
what is corrosion?
what is a destructive wave?
what are coastlines being eroded by destructive waves called?
do destructive waves have a high or low frequency? and what is it?
what two properties do they have?
what are the two main factors affecting the size and power of a destructive wave and how much erosion takes place?
what is backwash?
what is swash?