What does non-renewable energy mean?
Name 3 non-renewable energy sources.
What does renewable energy mean?
Name 3 renewable energy sources.
Most coal, oil, and gas power stations are due to close in the near future.
Give 2 reasons why?
Describe what happens at points
1 to 4 in a coal fired power station.
Why can’t we always rely on solar energy and wind energy to produce our electricity needs?
What does 'sustainability' mean?
Describe two ways we can be sustainable.
What does
‘carbon footprint’ mean?
Methane is a gas released when cows belch. A Welsh cow releases about 92.4kg of methane gas per year.
Calculate the mass equivalent of carbon dioxide in units of kgCO2eq using the equation:
mass equivalent of carbon dioxide (kgCO2eq) = (mass of gas) × (global warming potential)
[The global warming potential of methane is 21]
What is the National Grid?
Describe the role of step-up
and step down transformers.
Why is electricity transported at very high voltages through the National Grid power lines?
Describe what happens to the demand for electricity from 14:00 to 18:00 and suggest a reason for this.
What is meant by the term ‘payback time?'
Solar panels for Afon Taf High School would cost £30,000 to install.
The panels would save the school £2,500 per year in electricity bills.
What is the payback time?