Creado por Megan Robinson
hace casi 7 años
When does development begin?
What is the Germinal stage?
What is a zygote?
what are the structures in the nucleus called?
what do chromosomes do?
what are chromosomes made up of?
what is different between the first 22 pairs of chromosomes and the 23rd pair?
what does XX and XY chromosomes mean?
what does identical and fraternal mean?
what are the weeks of each of the trimesters?
when does the foetus reach the age or viability?
what is the zygotic stage?
what happens int he embryonic stage?
what happens in the embryonic stage?
what happens in the foetal stage?
what happens in the second trimester?
what happens in the third trimester?
describe teratogen
what are some factors associated with teratogens?
what can usage of prescription and non prescription drugs do to a developing baby?
give some examples of prescription and non prescription drugs
what can smoking tobacco do to a developing foetus?
what are some illegal drugs?
what can alcohol exposure in the wombb lead to?
what different maternal diseases are there that effect the foetus?
what is Zika?
what other maternal factors can cause difficulties throughout pregnancies
what effects can radiation have on a foetus?
what environmental pollutions effect the foetus?
what does emotional stress do to the foetus?
summarise teratogens
what are the environmental factors that can harm the foetus?