There are 2 types of pancreatitis: Acute and chronic (what a shocker). Below are descriptions of the 2 types. Drag and drop the correct answer.
Acute pancreatitis is an inflammatory disorder that involves self-destruction of the pancreas by its own enzymes through ❌. The milder form is called ❌; it leads to inflammation and edema of the pancreatic tissue, and it is often self limiting. The more severe form is called ❌; it is characterized by inflammation, hemorrhage, and ultimately death of pancreatic tissue.
Although the exact cause of acute pancreatitis is unknown, the following factors may lead to activation of the pancreatic enzymes and cause the symptoms of acute pancreatitis:
-❌ may obstruct the pancreatic duct or cause bile reflux, activating pancreatic enzymes in the duct system.
-❌ causes duodenal edema, and may increase pressure and spasm in the sphincter of Oddi, causing pancreatic outflow.
Regardless of what caused it, the process begins with the release of activated pancreatic enzymes into pancreatic tissue. ❌ in particular will digest pancreatic tissue and activate other enzymes, such as ❌ (responsible for digesting cell membrane phospholipids) and ❌ (responsible for digesting elastic tissue of blood vessel walls). All of this will lead to proteolysis, edema, vascular damage and hemorrhage, and necrosis of parenchymal cells.
Chronic pancreatitis, on the other hand, is characterized by chronic inflammation, fibrosis, and gradual destruction of functional pancreatitis tissue. ❌ is the primary risk factor, but about 10-20% of cases are idiopathic. A genetic mutation associated with ❌ may play a role in the idiopathic cases.
In chronic cases related to alcoholism, pancreatic secretions have an increased concentration of ❌. These proteins calcify and block the ❌ and flow of pancreatic juices. In other cases, a stricture or stone may block the outflow, causing ❌.
Recurrent episodes of inflammation eventually lead to ❌ changes in the perenchyma, with loss of exocrine function. This leads to malabsorption from pancreatic insufficiency. It can also cause a loss of endocrine function.
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