The Middle East is mainly made up of what type of vegetative region?
Desert scrub
Tropical grassland
Broadleaf Evergreen
The Arabian Shield is barren, dry, sandy, and windy land wet land surrounded by rivers coastal land( barren, dry, sandy, and windy land, wet land surrounded by rivers, coastal land )
The Arabian Shield is located in
The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are significant to Iraq because the land in between them is
The steppes of Asia are a
What types of economic activity takes place in the steppes?
The Persian Gulf is a transportation route for what export?
The Red Sea connects what two places through the Suez Canal?
Europe and America
Europe and Asia
North Africa and Southwest Asia
Palestine and Nazi Germany
The region's major export is...
What are 4 mineral resources found in the region?
natural gas
The ❌ plains provide ❌ farmland near ❌
Aquifers provide wealth food water shelter( wealth, food, water, shelter ) to the region
The Mosav and Kibbutz communities are...
The Arab Spring was a series of anti-government uprisings affecting Arab countries of North Africa and the Middle East in 2010.
Indonesia Tunisia Iraq Iran Palestine( Indonesia, Tunisia, Iraq, Iran, Palestine ) served as an inspiration for other countries to participate in the Arab Spring.
The Arab Spring was both similar and different than the changes in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union because untouchable democratic communist( democratic, communist ) regimes movements( regimes, movements ) fell under pressure from mass protests.
The aim of the Arab Spring was....
Social justice
economic growth
more resources
The main impact of the Arab Spring was the start of a long process of social and political transformation.
What was the Arab Spring's biggest achievement?
the end of accountable governments
the end of communist rule
the end of the world as we know it
the end of terrorism
What has been the Arab Spring's impact on the political activity in the region?
100's of political parties
civil society groups
online media outlets
some reclaiming their countries
all of the above