Creado por Alix Humbles
hace más de 6 años
FOR UK constitution flawed
AGAINST UK constitution flawed
FOR UK should have a codified/entrenched constitution
AGAINST UK should have a codified/entrenched constitution
FOR reform of the constitution has been successful
AGAINST reform of the constitution has been successful
FOR devolution has been a success
AGAINST devolution has been a success
FOR preservation of parliamentary sovereignty
AGAINST preservation of parliamentary sovereignty
FOR effectiveness of backbenchers
AGAINST effectiveness of backbenchers
FOR effective scrutiny of executive
AGAINST effective scrutiny of executive
FOR elected HofL
AGAINST elected HofL
FOR selection of ministers is PMs most important role
AGAINST selection of ministers is PMs most important role
FOR collective ministerial responsibility
AGAINST collective ministerial responsibility
FOR PM dominates cabinet
AGAINST PM dominates cabinet
FOR election results are the most important factor in PM power
AGAINST election results are the most important factor in PM power
FOR PMs are becoming presidential
AGAINST PMs are becoming presidential
FOR judiciary controls executive
AGAINST judiciary controls executive
FOR executive controls parliament
AGAINST executive controls parliament