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With a user account, you can?
The attributes of a user object fall into several broad categories?
Profile path. This path is either a local, or more usually, a ?
If a user profile has a UNC path, then the user will have access to their?
In a Windows Server 2012 enterprise network,there are two types of groups?
Distribution groups, which are not
security-enabled, are used mainly by? What cannot they be given?
Security groups are security-enabled, and are used to?
Security groups can therefore use these groups in permission entries in?
A security group can be converted to a?
There are four group scopes?
What is a Local group scope?
What is a Domain local group?
What is a Global group?
What is a Universal group?
A best practice for group nesting is known as IGDLA, which is an acronym for?
In a multi-domain forest, the best practice for group nesting is known as IGUDLA?
They are?
What are the Default Groups?
What are Protected Groups? Do they inherit?
What is Special Identities?
What Is the Computers Container?
Most organizations create at least two OUs for computer objects—one for?
Every member computer in an AD DS domain maintains a computer account with?
What does it store?
Resetting the Secure Channel ? what do you not do?
How you design your OU hierarchy could be based on?
All AD DS objects, such as users, computers, & groups, can be secured by ?
permissions on an object are
The permissions that you assign to an OU are inherited by?
Child objects inherit the permissions of ?
Deny permissions, which deny access, override equivalent ?
Allow permission will override an ?