1. What is paediatric palliative care?
A. Caring for dying children
B. Care provided for children with cancer only
C. Care provided to any child and their family with a life-limited diagnosis until end of life
D. Providing psychological support and respite only
2. What is essential to providing good palliative care?
A. Good communication
B. Early referral
C. Good symptom management
D. Providing holistic care
E. Avoid talking about death
3. What symptoms are the most troubling to children and young people?
A. Lack of energy
B. Pain
C. Nausea
D. Feeling sad; feeling nervous; worrying; feeling irritable
E. Haemoptysis
4. What other key issues do children and their care-givers confront?
A. A child’s understanding of death
B. Bereavement concerns
C. Isolation
D. Fragmentation of care
E. Access to equipment