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University Musculoskeletal System Mapa Mental sobre Musculoskeletal System, creado por mawbyharriet el 03/07/2013.

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Musculoskeletal SystemFunctions of muscular tissueTypes of muscular tissueDescribe the structureMuscles used to administer intramusclular injectionsList the components and functions of the skeletalsystemIdentify the 5 types ofbonemicroscopic and macroscopic bone structureMuscleComposed of cells that can contract to produce movementCells are also called muscle fibresAround 650 muscles in the body - half of body weightMovement is either voluntary orinvoluntaryProducing bodymovementStalbalising body positionsStoring and moving substances within the bodyGeneratingheatCardiac - involuntarySmooth (visceral)Skeletal (striated)Endocardium, myocardium, pericardium. Exclusive to the heart.Contracts to squeeze blood out of the heart. Does not tire.Found in internal muscles. Functions include: - peristalsis indigestive system - goosebumps -involuntaryAttached to the skeletal by tendons. Functions: -movement, posture, heat production, voluntary.CardiacStriationsmuscle fibres are short and intercalated discs.Network of autorythmic fibresSmoothunstriatedContains single nucleusNo sheath2 Types: Visceral (single unit) and Multi-unit.SkeletalCylindrical fibresMulti-nucleatedStriatedComplexMajor muscles groupsBACK: - Trapezius - Lattissmus DorsiCHEST: - Pectoralis major -External obliqueABDOMEN: - Rectusabdominis - External obliqueLEG: - Gluteus Maximus - Vastuslateralis - Rectus femoris -GastronemuisArm: - Deltoid -Triceps brachii - Biceps brachii - BrachialisDeltoid (Shoulder)Vastus lateralis and rectus femoral (thigh)Dorsogluteal (bottom)Ventrogluteal (side of bottom)Axial Skeleton - CentralAppendicular Skeleton - girdles and appendagesFUNCTIONS:Provides a frameworkMovementMineral storageProtectionHomeostasisLong (humerus)Short (trapazoid)Irregular (vertebrae)Flat (Sternum)Sesamoid (patella)OSTEOGENIC CELLS ( -genic = producing)Unspecialised stem cell, only bone cells that undergocell division. Found: inner portion of periosteum,endosteum, canals within bone carrying blood vessels.OSTEOBLASTS ( -blasts = buds or sprouts)Bone building cells. Functions: >Synethesise andsecrete collagen fibres and other componenets ofextracellular matrix. >Initiate calcificationOSTEOCYTES ( - clasts = break)Large cells formed from fusion - up to 50 monocytes. > Found in endosteum > ResorptionBone growth and remodelingBONE GROWTH: throughout childhood and adolescence- in thickness - in lengthBONE REMODELING: Continual renewal throughout life. Replacement of old bonetissue by new involves: BONE RESORPTION: Removal of minerals and collagen byosteoclasts. BONE DEPOSITION: Addition of minerals and collagen by osteoblasts.Factors affecting bone growth and remodeling: > Vitamins > Minerals > Hormones > ExerciseHaz doble clic en este nodo para editar el textoHaz clic en este nodo y arrástralo para crear uno nuevo