A ___________________________ can be proven true.
An ___________________________ is a belief that cannot be proven true.
Chipperdo snack chips were sold for the first time this year.
Chipperdo chips are the tastiest chips in the world.
Australians everywhere are in love with Chipperdos.
Each Chipperdo chip has only 1 gram of fat and no trans fat.
A smart shopper buys only Chipperdo chips.
The best taste, the best value, the best crunch. . . that’s Chipperdos!
You’re a sure winner when you wear Dynamo running shoes.
Dynamo running shoes were designed by champion marathon runner Harold Heelblister.
Confidence, freedom, and power are standard equipment with every Charger convertible.
Dual airbags and childproof locks are standard safety features on every Charger LX.
The Charger was the biggest selling convertible of 2006.
The Charger is the convertible to own in the 21st century!