Creado por lilymate
hace más de 10 años
What is the Base-10 number system known as?
What is the Base-2 number system known as?
What digits can be used in the binary number system?
What is the binary value 11111111 in denary?
How many bits are there in a byte?
How many bytes are there in a kilobyte?
How many bits are there in a nibble?
What name is given to the unit of data larger than a kilobyte?
What does 1024 gigabytes equal?
What is the binary value 00101011 in denary?
What is the binary value 00010010 in denary?
What is the denary value 108 in binary?
What is the denary value 16 in binary?
What is the denary value 62 in binary?
What is the result of this in binary?
00100100 + 00001101
What is the result of this in denary?
11000101 + 00001100
What is the result of this in binary?
11010011 - 10001001
What is the result of this in denary?
10010101 - 01001011
What is the Base-16 number system known as?
What does 'overflow' mean?
What is the denary value 10 in hexadecimal?
What is the hexadecimal value F in denary?
What is the binary value 0101 in hexadecimal?
What is the denary value 201 in hexadecimal?
What is the hexadecimal value F3 in denary?
What is the binary value 01001100 in hexadecimal?
What is the hexadecimal value 3D in binary?
What is a character set?
How many bits does ASCII use for each character?
What language is ASCII designed for?
What does ASCII stand for?
How many bits does the Unicode character encoding system use?
How many character possibilities does Unicode allow for?
What is colour depth/bit depth?
What is resolution?
What is metadata?
What is the term for sound that continuously varies?
How is analogue sound converted into digital sound?
What is meant by 'sample rate'?
What is sample rate measured in?
What is meant by 'bit rate'?
What is meant by an 'address'?
What two parts is an instruction decoded into?
What is meant by the term 'register'?
What is a program counter?
What is an operator?
What is an operand?
What is an accumulator?