If your patient complains of: pain c sustained position, relieved with change, they likely have __________.
Ligamentous Weakness
Clinical Instability
Foraminal Spinal Stenosis
If your patient has: aberrant motions they likely have __________.
ligamentous weakness
clinical instability
myofascial hypertonicity
facet dysfunction
If your patient complains of: dull ache in sitting, no hard neuro S/S they likely have __________.
Central Spinal Stenosis
If your patient complains of: sudden/deep pain c flexion/rotation, possible neuro S/S they likely have __________.
If your patient complains of: dull ache medial to PSIS they likely have __________.
SacroIliac Sprain/Hypermobility
If your patient has: a localized spasm about the affected spinal segment (lumbar or cervical) they likely have __________.
Myofascial Hypertonicity
Facet Dysfunction
If your patient has: a muscular band running across their back perpendicular to the spine they likely have __________.
If your patient: consistently deviates to one side during forward bending and the other side during backward bending they likely have __________.
If your patient complains of: pain c extension/walking they likely have __________.
foraminal spinal stenosis
central spinal stenosis
If your patient complains of: chronic dull LBP and decreased walking tolerance they likely have __________.
If your patient was in a MVA and complains of neck pain they likely have __________.
Whiplash Associated Disorder
Voluntary Myofascial Hypertonicity