Creado por mereana.matairan
hace alrededor de 10 años
Why was Curare found to be useful by anesthetists?
Acetlycholine is a nicotinic ______?
Curare in various forms is a nicotinic _____?
Define Pharmacology:
How might an organism affect a xenobiotic?
How might a xenobiotic affect an organism?
Define drug:
Define ligand:
What is Bioavailability?
What is Pharmacokinetics?
What is Pharmacodynamics?
The first written knowledge of materials that could relieve pain/alter moods/perception etc. date back to when and where?
In 1550 B.C. written prescriptions and similar medical advances were present in:
What was the Doctrine of Signatures?
What does mandrake root contain that gives it anti-cholinergic properties?
Why might the plant datura also have these effects?
What important pharmacological advances arose in the 19th century?
What drug does the opium poppy provide?
What drug did the mandrake root provide?
What drug did the coca leaf provide?
Salicin (isolated from willow) led to the development of what drug?